How did we get here

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Finale (part 1)

Laying on my bed I watched tv on the small tv Mabel bought for me on my birthday.

Relaxing on the bed when I hear a large crash followed by screaming jumping up from my bed, I looked out the window to see the sky had turned a deep red color and a giant slit ran through the sky.

"Oh god am I on drugs? Or does it seem like hell has come for retribution."

A loud screeching sound could be heard. Sounding as if it was something straight out of horror, I fell to my knees.

My back began to hurt like hell a bright light started flashing from it "Mabel and this damn glyph is going be the death of me."

Falling to my knees the pain became unbearable. When it finally stopped. I felt as if I was about to pass out.

As I watched the wall of my room practically melt as if it was butter. A hidden figure dressed lavishly in blue walked into the room.

"Looks like the glyph got the best of you." Her hand carried my cheek. Her palms were as soft as silk and warm as heated milk (Hehe that rhymed)

"Now let's just rest your head"  closing my eyelids I fell into a deep sleep.

Mabel POV

Alright now, all I need is a little white rabbit. Looking up from Mabel Gideon barged into the room "perfect timing pine tree" evolving home in magic I lifted him along with Pacifica.

"Hey, put me down you mythic... witch" I laughed "is that the best you can do white rabbit."

Waking out of Pacifica's room onto the roof my attention was grabbed once more looking back into the room I could see her lousy uncle.

A grin on my face "lucky me. I get to kill three birds with one stone."


Stirring awake I looked around the room. Noticing the blue fancy wallpaper and the fancy bed I was in the gleeful manor.

Or at least in one of the bedrooms. Looking around the room my eyes settled on Gideon he sat in a chair next to me.

"Gids what. How are we? What's going on" looking up from his hands and Gideon's eyes where red tears stained his cheeks.

"Pacifica you okay"

"Yeah, I'm okay why wouldn't I be okay."

Gideon's eyes frantically looked around the room nervously "it's Mabel. I think she might be going on a rampage or a murderous spree. I don't know."

I scoffed "Mabel may be a mean girl. And has no problem putting down animals. But that does not make her a serial killer."

"I doubt she has killed anyone" Gideon's face went pale and tears rimmed his eyes.

"Oh god don't tell me she did kill someone" standing to get out of bed I found myself bound with an invisible chain. Flashing blue every time I pulled at it.

A hint or realization hit me.

"She killed uncle didn't she."

Honey. Sugar. IceTea (second book to love is blind)Where stories live. Discover now