Chapter 2

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Everyone at super rock villa were confused, they all had many questions to ask but chose to stay silent because the baby was sleeping.

"lets go inside I will explain everything to you guys."

Cale started to walk to the entrance of supper rock villa and everybody naturally followed him.

"Human where did you find it? why is it so small? Are you going to keep it?"

Raon was talking inside cales mind because he too was afraid that he might wake the baby up.

After cale secured the baby on his bed with pillows and sheets he asked beacrox to look after him and returned to the first floor to face his group. He could see that almost everyone were present and waiting for his explanation.

" he your child?"


Everyone became even more silent after choi hans sudden question. The baby had too many similarities with cale so no one other than cale could deny it.

Perfect! They had finally lost it. Cale face palmed and took a deep breath. He sat on the nearest couch and leaned on it.

"it is not what you think choi han, I found him in the middle of the forest to be exact in the middle of the swamp surrounded by monsters, so I saved him."

Rosalyn and children- averaging nine all gasped. But cale didn't pay much attention to them and continued.

" last night my I started to feel that something is off outside the barrier so I decided to take a look. That is when I discovered him. Its strange how he ended up in such a dangerous place so we have to look into it and see where are his parents. Ron?"

"yes, young master nim."

"you are in charge of investigation. Ask for mary and lock for their help."

"as you wish."

"Human then that means until we find his parents he is going to stay with us, right?"

Children averaging nine were looking at him with sparkling eyes.

"I guess so."



"now someone else will be our youngest."

For some reason children weren't effected by the atmosphere that was surrounding others. How did a baby ended up at one the five forbidden regions of the western continent? Where were his parents?

"wuaaaaaa....wuaaaaa" (wailing sounds)

The sound of the crying baby soothed the tension around the hall. The infant was crying so loud as if his life depended on it.

"what is beacrox doing?"

Cale was shocked how can beacrox who was expert in babysitting just as much as cooking and torturing not be able to stop a single child from crying. Oh my poor slacker life!

They all went upstairs and found beacrox with a complicated expression holding a child over his shoulder and rubbing his back.

"what is going on here?"

The moment beacrox saw cale his expression become some what calmer.

"young master nim I don't know how to calm him down."

"weren't you supposed to be a child expert ?"

"I never had to deal with infants though."

Shoot! He was right they never had a child no a normal child in their group. All of the children here were beast people or dragons, these creatures were intelligent since they are born so no one is their group had ever seen a crybaby like this.

"human why is crying so loud is it hurt somewhere?"

"meww should we give him a potion?"

"mew idiots he is hungry we should give him something to eat."

"ohh... I have apple pie but I don't know if he will like it or not."

Oh god look at them trying to feed an infant apple pies. Children are very strange creatures.

"he isn't hurt raon and he surely doesn't eat apple pies if you feed this to him he will die."


"first beacrox give him to me and go boil some milk in the kitchen for him to drink."

Beacrox gently handed him the child and headed to the kitchen.

"young master nim how about..."

Ron was about to suggest that he could hold the baby for him but after witnessing the scene in front of him, decided to stay quiet. The moment the baby found his place inside cales arms he blinked his teary eyes to look at cale and suddenly started to laugh.


He was laughing and smiling as he shook his small hands in front of cale.

Everyone were staring at this scene with aw. For some reason this scene made all of them feel warmth inside their hearts. Cale had a gentle look in his eyes as he stared at the infant in his arms.

"You are a very troublesome fellow, aren't you?"


The child was still laughing and giggling inside his arms and his eyes were sparkling as if he has two little stars in them.

"Human he is so cuteee I like him!"

"meeewww lets keep him he will be our youngest from now on."

On and Hong were tapping cales tights and Raon was flying above his head.

Oh, come on already having three children at this age is enough for me and now they want to add another one?? And look who is calling who cute!

"why are you all standing here don't you guys have things to do?"

This question was referred to all the people who followed him in his room.

"young master see we don't have much to do today so we want to stay here and have some tea with you."

With Rosalyns comment everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

These people, what are they up to? "suit yourself. Ron go ask beacrox to bring some tea and candies along with milk. we will be in the front yard."

"as you wish, young master-nim"


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