Chapter 4

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That day everyone at the super rock villa were taken aback by Cale's sweet and lovely voice. All of the people who were present in the yard stayed quiet and listened to the unknown sweet lullaby that could calm anyone's mind let alone a child.

The next morning Cale woke up by someone's small hands that were trying to grab his hair. Cale opened his eyes and saw a little infant staring at him quietly while trying his best not to lose his grip on the strand of hair in his small palm.

"Good morning."

Cales gentle smile made the little child giggle.


"Yes, yes thank you for the morning greetings. Now be quiet, you will wake everyone."

Cale slowly got up from his bed with the baby in his arms. He was careful not to wake children-averaging-nine up.

"You and I should go downstairs to have breakfast. It is too early for everyone else."


"I know you are hungry we will get you something to eat soon, be patient."

The baby became quiet the moment he said this. This baby seems to understand what I am saying, quite smart for an infant. He started to walk downstairs with his pajamas still on and the child in his arms as he thought about it.

When he reached the kitchen he found no one there. He was looking for some milk to boil but he didn't know where to look. This is bad I don't even know the kitchen of my own house! How am I supposed to feed him now?

Suddenly he sensed something behind his back.
"What are you doing here young master-nim?"

Cale was about to scream but held it in. oh my poor life? Why are these father and son due so scary? They will be a death of me someday.

Beacrox was still standing there in his nightgown while staring at cale and the baby in his arms. He could see that cales face was extremely pale and he had dark circles under his eyes, somehow he resembled a mother who was up all night looking after his child.

"Oh, good morning beacrox. I was looking for some milk."

Beacrox didn't need to ask who the milk was for. He nodded his head and began to head to a cupboard on the left side of the kitchen. This cupboard had a cooling magic stone in it and was used to store things that may end up spoiled. He took out a bottle of milk and headed toward the heater and started to boil the milk after that he went to the grocery basket and started to cook breakfast.

Cale who witnessed all these scenes felt guilty.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up so early."

"it's okay young master-nim. You can wake me every time you need something from the kitchen."

"Well, thanks."

"So please refrain from touching anything here."

Cale felt chills running down his spine. He won't let anyone step foot inside his territory. Scary!

The baby in his arms started to feel uneasy and began to frown.


Cale started to sweet talk the baby while cuddling him in his arms.

"Don't cry...I will take you somewhere you can play so stop crying...yeah that's a good boy."

"Young master-nim here is the milk."


Cale took the bottle and started to feed the baby.

"Beacrox is there any news from the henitouse county?"

"it's a duchy young master-nim and yes, yesterday we had a call informing us about lady lilis birthday. It's the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, I almost forgot. thank you for reminding me."

By the time he had his breakfast everyone in the villa was up and gathered around the dining table to have breakfast. Cale changed his clothes and joined them for tea.

"Human, where is the baby?"

"He is sleeping after having breakfast and Rosalyn is taking care of him."

Other than cale the only person the baby wasn't afraid of was Rosalyn. This child seems to be fond of everyone who has red hair. Does he think we are his relative?


"Yes, young master-nim?"

"Order a high-quality crib and some baby clothes and all the other necessities for the baby. Also, ask someone to make this chair according to this picture."

He handed a folded paper to Ron. Who opened it and carefully examined it.

"Young master-nim this..."

"it's a baby chair. Since he is going to stay with us for a while something like this will be needed."

"Human, did you draw this? It is so cool! Wow, you are weak but quite smart!"

Only Choi han knew that this chair wasn't cales invention and was something he remembered from his days back in Korea.


"What is it human?"

"Please send a message to eurhaben-nim and tell him to meet me at henitouse territory the day after tomorrow."

"Alright human."

Eurhaben was the oldest person in his group and an ancient dragon. Cale wanted to tell him about the recent suspicious events in the forest of darkness and ask for his opinion.

At that time Rosalyn walked to the room with the baby in his arms.

"young master cale look who is awake."

Rosalyn smiled gently at the infant who had grabbed her hair and was playing with it. The moment the baby made eye contact with cale, he become uneasy in her arms and opened and closed his hands in front of him as if to tell him, please hold me.

"Miss Rosalyn please give him to me."

After the baby found his place in his arms he become quiet and started to suck his tomb.

"you sure sleep a lot little one."

"Human, why do you always call him baby or little one? Shouldn't we give him a name?"

"Mewww I agree we cant call him baby forever."

"You are right nya."

"But what if the baby already has a name? his parents may have given him one before."

Choi hans answer made sense. If he already had a name they didn't have to give him another one.

"What about a nickname?"

Mary suggested with her robotic voice.

"Yeah! Let's give him one. What should we call him human?"

Everyone turned toward cale and waited for his answer.

"Apple, let's call him apple for now."

"it's cute human I like it. His hair is red and his skin is white and smooth just like apple."

"You are right nya."

"little apple welcome to our family."

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