Chapter 10

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"NOOOO! GASP!...*panting*"

Cale woke up with his scream and found himself sweating all over, the events of the dream took their toll on him and he felt numb all over. He couldn't forget Choi jung soo's last words. He tried to get up but a hand prevented him to do so.

"Go back to sleep. You still need to rest. You haven't recovered yet."

He recognized eurhabens voice but his vision was still blurry so he couldn't see the concerned look he had on his face.


His throat was dry and he couldn't talk properly but as usual, eurhaben knew what he wanted to ask.

"You are in your father's bedroom. After the incident with the intruders you got hurt and fell into a stake of unconsciousness, I knew your wound was not normal."

Eurhaben's frown deepened at his own statement. These people's identities were still a mystery to everyone.

Cales mind started to clear up. He remembered those people in black that invaded his bedroom and hurt his people. He also could clearly remember the look of amusement in their leader's eyes as he pierced his dagger in him and called him by his real name.

"What happened? Is anyone hurt?"

"No one is seriously injured, just some minor scratches. But the west wing of the castle is in ruins."

Cales mind somewhat calmed down after he heard this. He looked around the room but to his surprise, he couldn't see or sense the black baby dragon. It was strange because every time he regained consciousness he was the first thing he would see.

"Where are the others?"

Eurhaben knew what cale meant by others. He must have been quite worried about his children's condition. Oh, unlucky bastard.

"You have been unconscious for two days. On the first day Raon and others were with you the whole time but last night your condition suddenly took a turn for worse and you went into a state of shock so I send them out and since then tried to stabilize you with my magic, they must still be outside because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get them to leave further than that. But that aside, what happened to you? You kept mumbling while you were sleeping. "

"Oh really? I don't know I can't remember what happened it must have been one of the side effects of that damn dagger."

Cale tried to brush it off which didn't go unnoticed by eurhaben.

"You are indeed an unlucky bastard."

Cale couldn't argue with that. So he decided to change the topic.

"Eurhaben-nim can you call others. I have some things I need to discuss with Ron and others."

"Going back to work the moment you wake up huh? You are indeed..."

Eurhaben shook his head and removed the barrier around the room. The moment the barrier was gone the door flew open and a small flying creature barged in.


Before cale could respond, raon came crashing to his chest so all he did was circle his arms around the no-so-very-small ball of baby dragon who was crying as if the world was about to end.

"It's okay. I am fine."

He tried to reassure the six-year-old baby but before that he felt two other small fluffy balls that were poking his arms for permission to join raon in his embrace.



Cale could see that all of them were distressed when they saw him laying in a pool of blood and that must have scared them. No matter how strong these kids were they were still kids and he would sometimes forget this fact.

"Now look at you guys. Everything is over now so stop crying. No one is hurt."

"YOU STUPID *sniff* HUMAN! How can you say that no one was hurt? Look at yourself!!"

Cale couldn't believe what he was hearing! He was getting scolded by a six-year-old dragon!

Just then Ron cleared his throat. This caused chills to run down cales spine.

"Oh, Ron. How have you been?"

"I have been well thanks young master nim."

Cale could clearly see that something was terribly wrong with his butler. Ron didn't have his usual benign smile and his eyes were sharp and cold. He seemed ready to kill.

"Ron, did you realize anything about this people's identity? "

"I sent some of my best men to follow them, but I haven't heard from them since."

"Good. We will wait for their news. Where is Choi han and apple by the way?"

Now that everything seemed somewhat calmer he could clearly see that Choi han and baby apple weren't in the room.

"Little young master is currently with duke and duchess. They were curious about him so they asked Choi han to bring him to them."

Little young master? What? Who? No that is not it! Where was apple???? Oh, my poor life how am I going to fix this?

Thank you for all you love and support 🙈🤍

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