Chapter 18

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Eurhaben, alberu, and cale were the only ones in the room.

Eurhaben who was deep in thought snapped out of it when alberu called him.

"Eurhaben-nim? Eurhaben-nim?"


"I said you can use me instead. Tell me what I should do to help him."

"Come here."

Eurhaben walked toward cale and removed the blanket that was covering his chest.

"These black veins are spreading all over his body. If they reach his heart..."

Even without finishing his sentence alberu knew what he was going to say. If the veins reach Cale's heart, he will die.

"I knew of an ancient rune that can temporarily link your souls to each other. Your bodies would practically become one, in the meantime dead mana would fight the curse and try to subdue it but it's only a 20% chance that it would work."

"Do it."

That was what alberu needed to say before eurhaben started drawing the rune. He then brought out a dagger from his sleeve.

"Lie down next to him and take your shirt off."

Alberu was a little surprised but he did as he was told. He took off his shirt and revealed his well-built body which unlike Cale's was muscular.

He then lay down being mindful of the precious body next to him. His eyes never left Cale's face.

Eurhaben took Cale's right hand in his, cut its palm, and placed the rune on it. He then took Alberu's left hand into his and cut it with the same dagger.

"Remember the moment you hold hands your souls will be linked. No matter what, you cannot let go of it under any circumstances?"

Alberu nodded in return.

"If the link breaks, I cannot form another one, you have to be careful. Ready?"

Alberu took a deep breath before nodding.

"I'm ready."

Eurhaben put their hands on each other.

"Bring him back."

That was the last thing alberu heard before losing consciousness.


Alberu felt his mind drifting away and his head spinning, he kept his eyes closed to avoid unnecessary headaches till he could no longer feel the spinning.

He opened his eyes to complete darkness. He seemed to be in a dark space that had no end. He tried to walk around and look for an exist but after what seemed to be hours of walking he found nothing but more darkness.

Where am I?

Just when he was getting annoyed by the silence he heard it.

Sniff sniff

Someone was crying!

"p-please...forgive me...I couldn't save you... sniff.."


It was Cale's voice! Although alberu had never heard cale sound so agitated and sad he knew by instinct that it was him. He tried to call for him once again as he was running in the direction he heard his voice.


"I didn't want that I swear...sorry...sorry...please forgive m-me...sniff."

Alberu kept running until he was almost out of breath.


He found cale kneeling in a corner of the dark space bending forward and holding his ears with his hands.

Tears were falling from his eyes like rain drops and wetting his cheeks and falling from his chin to the ground.

He rushed forward and knelt near him and put his hands on his shoulder.

"Cale, its me alberu. Can you hear me?"

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I couldn't save you...couldn't save..."

"Cale! Look at me! IT'S ME ALBERU!!"

Alberu tried to shake cale back to reality. But it seemed like cale wasn't even aware of his existence. He seemed to be trapped in some kind of illusion.

It's that damn curse!!

"I wish I was dead..."

Alberu felt like a bucket of cold water was purred over his head.


"I wish I was dead...yeah, I shouldn't have survived...I shouldn't have...I..I..?"

Cale was mumbling to himself. His face was now drained of any color. He looked like a dead person.


Alberu screamed from the top of his lungs. His veins were now visible on his neck ready to pop from the anger. If he cannot bring cale back to his senses he would lose him forever. He couldn't let that happen, never!

Cale's eyes shook for a moment and he slowly looked up.



"It's me. I'm here."

Alberu lowered his head to look at his shaking eyes. His eyes were still wet from the tears. He could see that with each blink his long lashes would sparkle. Even at moments like this, he couldn't help but feel that cale looked magical, ethereal.


Cale whispered. Still not fully believing that the real alberu was in front of him.

"Eurhaben-nim send me here to help you. You were cursed and dead mana is the only way to break it."

Cale was quiet for a minute before finally answering.

"How can I believe you are real? You could be one of those fake people who are trying to trick me."

"What fake people? No one is here besides you and me."

"You are lying!"

Cale said and backed away from Alberu's touch.

"It's really me cale. Believe me."

He tried to reassure him but he didn't seem to believe him.

"Okay...let me prove it to you."

Cale who was a little hesitant nodded.

Alberu slowly closed the gap between them.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you."

He raised his right hand and brushed Cale's cheek. Slowly Cale's expression softened and he leaned into his touch.

That was all alberu needed before completely closing the gap between them and capturing his lips.

Hi guys! Long time no see🥺❤️

I never thought that i would continue this story but your comments gave me strength and I decided to continue.

It took me a long time to update because i forgot a majority of what happened so far so i reread my story from the beginning to not miss a single thing ^_^

Finally the real calexalberu is going to begin I wasn't planning to take it this long but the story just went that way and many events happened but don't worry from now on my favorite ship is going to sail (or not?)

📌Do comment your favorite part and  let me know what do think happens next chapter? ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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