Chapter 13

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Just when cale was about to explain the situation to alberu another explosion was heard outside the barrier but this one was stronger and more violent than the others. Cale could clearly fill that it was the result of someone or something crashing into the barrier, he moved the curtains that covered the window to see what was happening.


Cale couldn't believe his eyes. He could see Choi han struggling to stand up after crashing into the barrier.

"HUMAN! Choi han is hurt I can tell! We should help him. I will de..."


Cale shouted and it startled the baby in his arms. He knew that this situation was not a simple matter that Raon could handle. Choi han wasn't someone who can be easily beaten, he was the greatest swordmaster alive, someone who even white star and dragons find it hard to deal with but now he was pushed back and hurt by a bunch of unknown enemies. They are not human, cale was now sure of that.

"Your highness, meet me at super rock villa I will explain everything to you there, for now, I have to hang up."

Alberu who could now see Choi hand's state realized the severity of the situation pushed back his worry and nodded.

"Take care, don't get hurt."

After he ended the call, cale shifted his focus to children-averaging- nine.

"Listen to me. I want you to stay here and protect apple while Raon draws a teleportation circle to teleport you guys to super rock villa."

"What do you mean us? We want to help, we are strong!"

On objected.

"Human you are the weakest among us! Stay here and we deal with them and then we can all go home."

Choi han was once again on his fit, this time he had his expressionless face on. With his black aura reaching the max, he looked like a savage beast ready to devour his prey.

Cale got chills after witnessing the scene, he hardly saw Choi han in this state. F*ck this is no joke. Even the children were taken aback, especially apple who was just a baby barely reaching one.


Apple started crying and clinging to cale as if to seek more protection.

"SHHH... it's okay, it's okay don't cry...shhhhh, raon do as I say this is not something you can take care of."

Raon wanted to oppose but after looking at apple decided to do as cale told him to do.

"On please transform and hold apple for me, raon after I go out you have to immediately teleport them got it?"

"Human, l will send them and then come back for you and Choi han."

"Okay do what you want."

When cale wanted to give apple to On apple refused to part with him and instead started to cry louder.

"WAAAA...WAAAA ..sniff!"

"Be a good boy and let me go. I will be there with you soon okay?"

Apple who held cale's coat with his small fists looked up at the red hair individual with teary eyes. He was begging cale not to part with him.
On the other hand, cale who received this intense stare softened his expression. He carefully put his hand on the small fist grabbing his coat and removed it, he then lowered his head and put a gentle kiss on the small hand.

"I promise. I will come back."

After that apple reluctantly parted with him and went to On.

On, hong and raon had worried looks on their faces, they too didn't want to part with cale. Cale was not just a guardian to them, he was both their mother and father, he was their precious family.

"When you get there tell Rosalyn and lock about the situation."

Cale caressed their heads one last time before stepping out of the carriage.

He could feel the teleportation circle activating and the barrier weakening. Just when the barrier completely disappeared a light ball was thrown toward the carriage.
Cale blocked it with a wall of rock and fire. His fingers started to sparkle.

"You crazy bastards dare to aim for my children! You are dead."

Hi everyone thank you for all you love and support so far🙏🏻

If it wasn't for you guys i would have dropped this story a long time ago ^^

As you can see this story is not just a simple fanfic about cale and his friends it really dives deep into his world and uncovers new secrets😝
To be precise a new adventure, with new enemies and new races which are not mentioned in the og work ;)

So please try to raise my spirit by your vote❤️ and comments📝

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