Chapter 11

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After cale realized the whereabouts of apple he jumped out of bed which startled everyone except his butler. They tried to stop him but he didn't let them and went straight to his father's office and knocked.

"Father, it's me."

"Come in."

When he entered the room the seen in front of him made him want to faint again. His father wasn't behind his desk instead, he was sitting on the sofa near his wife duchess violan who had a small knight figure in her hand, and Choi hand who was behind the sofa observing everything. He found apple in his father's lap playing with a red dragon stuffed animal and moving it in front of the knight figure as if he was in some fierce fight with it. THEY WERE PLAYING WITH HIM!

"f-father what exactly are you doing?"

Cale tried his best to sound as natural as possible.

"I am playing with my grandson. What else am I supposed to do?"

He is playing with WHO? Oh, my poor life! I want to pull my hair out. Why did I wake up this soon again???

"Father let me explain it is not what you think, this..."

But before he could finish his sentence apple realized his presence and dropped the stuffed animal in his hands and stretched his small arms toward the other red hair in the room. He was looking at him with such a pleading look that melt everyone's heart.

"AUAUAU...AA *sniff*"

Unconsciously cale went toward him and took him from his father's lap. He started rubbing circles on his back to calm him down.

"Shh little one. what happened to you? You were fine just now."

Although he sounded indifferent to a stranger. The people in the room especially his other children knew that he sounded quite affectionate right now.

He coaxed apple to calm down and let his head rest on his chest as he cuddled him in his arms.

"Cale you seem quite experienced in handling a child."

Deruth said with a smile on his face.

As expected of cale-nim, Choi han thought.

"Yeah, my human is quite great and might in handling a child!"

Raon shared his thoughts out loud which made everyone laugh.

Cale who somehow sensed that everything is going the wrong way decided to fix it before it was too late.

"as I was saying father, apple is..."

But the duke didn't let him finish explaining.

"I know you want to tell me he is not your biological child, Choi han already explained everything to us and I tried to believe him."

Yes, that is exactly how it is. Wait! What does it mean he tried to believe?? Don't tell me he thinks apple in mine!

"Father I assure you that I am not his biological father. I just happened to find him and took him with me and we are currently looking for his parents to send him home."

"WHAT! You want to send my grandchild away! I won't allow it!"

Cale wanted to do a facepalm but he couldn't as he had apple currently in his arms.

Actually, deruth found it hard to believe that apple wasn't his biological grandson. He knew that his son has already adopted three children. two very adorable cats and one cute and mighty dragon. He loved them as his own grandchildren but the moment he laid eyes on the baby in cales arms he had no doubts that this baby was cales biological child because they have so many similarities. It was as if he was seeing the mini version of cale when he was barely one. How could that be possible that this child and cale had no relations? But on the other hand, he knew that cale would never lie to him. This situation is driving him crazy.

But after hearing that cale was planning to send the child away he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't let them take cales mini version away. After his first wife passed away he was so heartbroken and as a result, he put an unwanted distance between himself and his son. That was why he never had a chance to actually see cale grow up but now by apple by his side it was as if he was given a second chance to make things up for him. He knew that the time he had lost with cale would never come back but he wanted to relieve his own guilt by doing so.

Cale who didn't know about the mixed-up feelings in deruths mind tried to reason with him.

"Father calm down. I am not saying that I want to send him away. I am just saying that should we find his biological parents we have to hand him over. Children should be with their parents to feel happy and secure."

With this sentence, everyone present fell silent. They couldn't argue with that. As much as they wanted apple to stay with them they knew that if his parents show up they have to say goodbye to him.

Hi guys! Today is my 18th birthday and I wanted share my happiness with u guys by publishing a new chapter🙈

So enjoy 😉

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