Chapter 3

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Everyone was sitting across the white marble table in the yard. This table was the only thing that was not stolen during the robbery of eurhabens lair, thus it was moved here.

The atmosphere around the table was a bit awkward, beacrox tried to distract himself by pouring tea into everyone's cups, but no one was paying attention to him or the tea he was pouring.

They were focused on a certain someone who was skillfully feeding the baby in his arms. When beacrox first brought the tea and warm milk he asked cale to give him the baby so he could feed him but cale refused and said he could do it. Beacrox was a bit uneasy at first but now with what he was seeing he could tell that his young master seems to be very accustomed to taking care of children.

As expected from young master-nim who already has three children.

On the other hand, cale was having a difficult time keeping calm. Why are they all staring at me like that? Is it the first time they see an infant? Do I look weird holding one? And why is this baby looking at me like that? 

The baby in his arms was looking at him with sparkling eyes while trying his best to suck all the milk in the bottle dry. He seemed to be starving. One of the things cale hated was watching children starve.

Without realizing his eyebrows knotted. The baby seemed to realize the change in his expression and become uneasy.


He seemed to be trying to talk to cale and cheer him up. He wasn't the only one who wanted to do that.

"Human, what is wrong? Why are you frowning?"

Raon titled his head to the side as if to show his curiosity. On and Hong also joined him.

"What's wrong nia?"

Cale who just noticed them answered with a stoic face.

" Children should eat properly."

With just a single comment everyone realized what he meant. Cale hated the idea of children suffering that is why he always sacrificed himself for their sake.

" young master-nim he won't be suffering anymore he is one of us now."

To everyones surprise, it was lock who broke the silence.

"good boy lock is right, human. I am the great and mighty raon miru I won't let him suffer. I will protect him."

"Cale-nim I will protect everyone no need to worry."

"We will help, too nia"

Everyone was showing quite a passion for taking care of the baby. Cale who thought they are exaggerating the situation decided to calm them down.

"Okay, good luck taking care of him now quiet, he needs to sleep. I am also tired so I have to excuse myself you guys enjoy the tea."

"allright cale-nim."

"young master nim please call me if you need anything."

Ron had his usual benign smile which made cale feel chills running down his spine.

Why is he smiling like that again? So scary!

Cale got up from his seat and started to walk back to the supper ruck villa. Naturally children- averaging nine followed him back to his room.

(half an hour later)

Cale tried every possible solution he could come up with to put the little infant to sleep but it wasn't working. The baby was just staring at cale and making weird grumpy-like noises as if to confirm that he is not going to sleep without a fight. Oh my poor life, what is wrong with him? He is not hungry and he is clean and there isn't a problem with his body, why isn't he sleeping?

"Human, why isn't he sleeping isn't he tired? When I am tired I will sleep so why isn't he doing the same?"

"Former youngest he is a child, only his parents can put him to sleep or he will be scared nia."


Raon who seemed to realize the source of the problem stared at the infant more attentively. He wanted to tell him that he shouldn't be afraid of anything even if he was weak, his human was okay with that and would protect them.


Suddenly cale gasped. he finally found the perfect solution to this problem. Why didn't I realize it sooner? That's it. He turned his head to look at the children-averaging-nine.

"you guys go to bed, I will put him to sleep and then come over."


After he made sure that they were settled. He walked over to the chair which was located near the balcony with the baby in his arms and started to sing. The song was a famous Korean lullaby that he used to hear almost every day when he was a child.

The moment he started to sing everything around him turned quiet. The infant's eyes as well as children-averaging-nine opened wide. They had never seen cale sing before, let alone with such an affectionate tone. Although they didn't understand the meaning behind the song they could tell that it was a song full of love and sweetness.

The baby's eyes started to feel heavy and began to close. Cale held the baby tighter and gently rubbed his back as if to soothe him to sleep faster, by the time the lullaby came to an end there were four sleeping children in his room. he put the baby near the other three and laid down near them and closed his eyes.

At that time cale didn't know that this lullaby will reach far behind this room and be one of the most popular songs in both the eastern and western continents.

At that time cale didn't know that this lullaby will reach far behind this room and be one of the most popular songs in both the eastern and western continents

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***credit to the artist of this cute fanart😍***
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