Chapter 6

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(Sound of the alarm)

The sound of cales quick steps on the floor and the sound of the emergency signal of the territory were the only things cale could here. His mind was chaotic. He didn't know what he was going to witness when he reached his room.

" Eurhaben-nim I need you to look after the people in the banquet hall in case of an emergency. Raon go look for Choi han, he should be heading our way but just in case."

"Human, I can't leave you alone! Let me..."


He didn't shout but his voice was quite firm.

"Okay human but you shouldn't get hurt or I will destroy the world."

The reluctant baby dragon turned around and flew in the opposite direction.

"Cale are you sure you can hold on until help arrives?"

Eurhaben too was concerned about cale facing these intruders alone.

"Don't worry eurhaben-nim I am not alone."

Eurhaben didn't understand what he meant but decided to trust him so without saying anything else he turned around and headed to the banquet hall.

Without turning back cale activated more of the sound of the wind and headed to his room. When he was close enough to hear the clashing sound inside his room he heard an explosion.


Someone was thrown out of his room. He stormed off and caught the flying person before he could hit the ground.


"Hans! Are you okay?"

Hans seemed to be barely conscious. Tried to raise his hand that wasn't bleeding.

"young...master cough!...sorry I couldn't...danger..."

Before he could finish his sentence he lost consciousness. Cale carefully put him down somewhere far from his room. How dare they?! They will pay for disturbing my peace!


Cale nearly lost all his senses. This was Ons voice, without wasting even a second he rushed in and hit one of the closest men in black with wind power then he activated fire of destruction and attacked to ones close to the window with golden rose thunderbolts.

He could see that on tried to paralyze them and hold them off for as long as she could.

"where is Hong?"

Hong and apple weren't in the room he didn't know whether it was good news or bad news.

"They surprised us and we didn't have time to call for help so I told hong to take apple and run and if possible call for grandpa Ron, in the meantime hans and I  would hold them off for as long as we could."

Cale could clearly see that although she tried to look brave her fingertips were slightly shaking. His eyes were clouded. Who were these people? Why was their goal? How important was the so-called mission that they were even willing to hurt a child? He gently patted her head.

"You did a good job, protecting your younger siblings. Now I want you to go look for Hong and apple and take them to the banquet hall. Eurhaben- nim is there you guys will be safe."

"but...what about you?"

Cale could clearly see the concern in her eyes. Cale gave her a reassuring smile.

"I will be fine. Raon and Choi han are on their way here as we speak. Go."

On nodded and started to run in the opposite direction. Now cale was left alone with these intruders.

After he made sure that On was far away his expression changed. He had his usual stoic and cold gaze. He activated his dominating aura to the max.

"You guys will pay for hurting my children."

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