Chapter 7

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Raon was flying toward the east entrance of the duke's mansion. He was worried. Will his human be alright without him? He should hurry and find Choi han so that he could get to his human as soon as possible. His human was the first person who showed him the world outside of that dark cell. He took care of his wounds and protected him when he was weak. He gave him a home when he had nowhere to go and now thanks to him he had a huge family. He wasn't alone anymore.


He met Choi han just as he was about to turn left. He too seemed to be surprised about this unexpected situation.

"What happened? Where is cale-nim?"

"They attacked where baby apple was sleeping, human went there and told me to bring you there. We should hurry!"

Choi han nodded and started running toward Cale's room.


The sound of explosions was getting louder and louder.  Choi han could see that a group of people covered in black and wearing masks were activating explosive talismans and throwing them at the door of the banquet hall. The door was protected by a golden barrier and it wouldn't let them through but he didn't know how much longer could that barrier hold them off.

"They are trying to break goldie gramps's barrier! How dare they?"

Raon activated another three-layer extra shield over eurhaben's barrier to keep it from shaking.

"Raon we should go help cale nim. Eurhaben nim is capable of protecting everyone else."

"Okay, let's hurry."
The closer they got to cales room the more severe the situation seemed to be. More than one-third of the walls and marble floor were destroyed and there were broken pieces of glass everywhere. There was also a thick fog at the end of the hall.

"Choi han that's...!"

They could hear many screams and silent cries through the fog. It was as if a deadly weapon was putting every intruder who dared to step foot inside the fog to eternal sleep. Raon and Choi han waited until the last of the cries died out and then the fog started to disappear. After that, they could see Ron who had his usual benign smile and flawless appearance with a sharp dagger, standing in front of On and hong who was holding apple tightly in his arms as if to protect him from every possible danger.

Raon smiled and flew toward his siblings.


"SHHHH...former youngest keep it down or you will wake him up!"


"What happened?"

Choi han decided to join the conversation.

"Cale told me to take hong and the baby to the banquet hall. I met grandpa ron when I was looking for them."

"Where is cale nim?"

"He...he stayed behind to buy us enough time to run away. They are not normal! My poison does not affect them and they have these explosive talismans that seem very dangerous!"

Choi hans expression darkened but only Ron noticed it. These people are different from arm. They are stronger and more dangerous.

"I go help cale-nim. You guys should find another place to hide for now because there are a lot of these intruders in front of the banquet hall."


"Choi han"

Choi han turned to face ron who was looking at him with an intense gaze.
" I leave young master nim to you."
Choi han nodded and without saying anything he started to run toward Cale's direction.

Cale had been fighting with these guys for quite some time now. They were eight in total and he managed to knock three of them out.

-cale you are almost at your limit. (SR)

-don't overuse your power boy, your body cant handle it. (glutton)

Pant! Pant!

He was almost out of breath but he had to keep it up.

"Look at this. It seems cale henitouse is a bit tired."

Cale turned to the source of the sound. It came from the man in black. since the start of the battle, he had been standing in the shadows without showing any interest in anything but now he seemed to be interested in cale.

"heh, who said I was tired? I was just practicing a new meditation breathing style I recently learned."

"I have to say that I was quite surprised. I didn't expect you to be able to hold on till now. You were stronger than what I expected you to be but not very far from my expectations."

" I'm sorry to have disappointed you."

The person in black was now amused. He started to walk out of the shadows while searching for something inside his pocket.

-Cale be careful. Something about him seems off. (SR)

" Cale henitouse, cale henitouse...the last time I saw you. You were just a coward, but now you seem like a different person, it's as if someone else is inside your body."

Everything else happened in a blink of an eye. One moment he was standing five feet apart from cale and the next moment he was in front of him titling his head and giving him a crazy-like smile. Cale wanted to say something but the only thing that came out of his mouth was blood. That bastard had pierced a black dagger in his stomach. He leaned forward as if to whisper something to him.

"Or should I call you Kim rook soo?"

Thank you guys for all your love and supports🙏🏻
Pls don't forget to leave comments for me, i will be so happy when i read them and it also gives me motivation to update chapters sooner😎📝
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Love u all🤍

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