Chapter 15

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Cale doubted his ears for a second. What did this crazy bastard just say? Even Choi han was shocked by this sudden claim.

"Cale henitouse, everyone is always saying that you are the hero of both the eastern and western continent and you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, but do they know that their so-called hero has taken someone else's child?"

"What kind of nonsense of you sprouting?"

Choi han shouted, he could tolerate anything except hearing cale getting insulted.

"Calm down, Choi han."


Choi han looked at cale, he expected him to look angry or a bit agitated but cale was still wearing his usual stoic expression.

"You...what should I call you?"

Cale asked the masked individual.

"Ho! Sorry for the late introduction. You can call me Lucas."

He then removed his hood and mask. He had long platinum hair and light brown eyes, his skin was flawless except for the scar he had on his eyebrow and he had an amused smile on his light pink color lips.

At first, cale thought that he was a fairy but then his ears said otherwise also nor he nor his ancient powers could smell nature from him. He is human.

"What? Do you find me attractive?"

Lucas took a step closer to him just to observe cales reaction, but cale didn't move. He was just observing him from top to bottom.

"What happened cale? Did you perhaps fall for me?"

Just when he was about to close the distance between them, he felt the danger coming his way and took a step back.


A silver spear was in the place where Lucas used to be. Cale recognized the spear instantly. It was taerang, Alberu's weapon.

"Get away from him!"

Alberu said that. He was with Raon and Eurhaben. Just then Eurhaben used his magic to attack the remaining three masked individuals while Raon went to release Choi han.

"I think time's up for now, but don't worry I will find you again and this time I'll take back what's mine."

After he said that he reached inside his pocket and took out a teleportation scroll.

"I won't let you get away."

Cale said as he activated his fire ancient power.
"You can't stop me...(whisper) Rook soo."

Just when he said his name, Cale's vision started to get blurry. He could feel his knees giving away and touching the ground.


He could hear voices calling his name but he didn't have the strength to answer them. He could feel his consciousness fading away. Shitt! Not again. His head was falling backward but instead of the cold ground, he found himself in a warm embrace, gentle hands caressing his cheek was the last thing he felt before falling into the dark completely.

The darkness seemed to have no end. He was familiar with this feeling, sinking and sinking all over again. Suddenly his back hit something cold. He could feel his body aching. He groaned.

"Just, what the hell?"

He could hear the sound of clashing with his eyes still closed and there was a very strong smell of blood around him.

"Rook soo...KIM ROOK SOO!"

He opened his eyes with shock evident all over his face.


"Rook soo GET UP!"

They were Choi Jung soo and Lee soo hyuk, standing up against the unranked monster with their weapons while his other teammates had already fallen.

"Get up rook soo you can't die like this."

Choi Jung soo said while trying hard to hold his stand and breathing heavily.

Cale struggled to stand on his two fits while witnessing this familiar scene once again. What is this? Another earth? Why am I here?

Just then the unraked monster suddenly went wild and attacked Choi Jung soo and Lee soo hyunk.


He screamed at top of his lungs and forced his feet to run toward them. Just then the scenery changed once again, he was in the ambulance covered in a blanket and the other teams were dealing with the unraked monsters. He could hear the sound of two inspectors talking to each other in front of the car.

"Another team was eliminated by these monsters."

"yeah, it's unfortunate team leader lee soo hyunk and his team had a bright future but..."

"Unfortunate indeed. It seems only one member of his team survived, I thought he would be devastated but he didn't have the slightest bit of sadness in his eyes. Is he even human?"

"Oh, you mean Kim rook soo. That guy is always like this no matter what happens he would remain unfazed and just doesn't care."

"Then wouldn't it have been better if he died instead of his team leader and friends? I mean why is he alive anyway?"

Cale bit his bottom lip, while his eyes were burning from the tears he was preventing to fall. He was late. He didn't make it, he didn't make it again! Once again it was he who survived. He felt broken.

"Why the long face rook soo?"

He looked up and saw his team leader's figure covered with blood while looking at him with distant eyes.


He tried to say something but he just couldn't bring himself to.

"You should be happy now. Why are you sad?"


His voice was hoarse and his body was shaking from the amount of grief he was feeling.

"Ha! Protect? PROTECT?! YOU CAN NEVER PROTECT SOMEONE ROOK SOO! Everyone who cares about you is doomed to perish. You are just a thief who stole what was supposed to be for Choi jung soo. You don't deserve the happiness you have. You don't deserve it."

Cale grabbed his head with both hands, tears started to stream down his face and his eyes seemed to have lost focus.

"Please...just stop...someone..please make it...stop..."

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📌Also if you are a fan of Mo dao zu shi/ untamed pls check out my new work

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