Chapter 8

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The last thing cale saw was that person's amused smile as he called him by his real name and then watched him fall to the ground. Who is this bastard?

The person in black pulled the dagger out of cales stomach and let his body hit the floor. He then looked at the dagger that was now covered in blood.  He then pointed to one of the people around him.

"You come here."

He then used his clothes as a napkin and wiped the blood off the dagger. Now he could see the dagger as good as new but the difference was that this time the dagger was shining or in other words pulsing.

"Interesting, I didn't know that I would find the last two ingredients here. We will take him with us."

Just when two people were about to lift cale off ground, they were thrown back by a wave of energy.


Roan was standing in front of the door with tens of magic balls above his head ready to shoot at any moment. His aura was chaotic and his eyes were wet with tears he was trying to hold.

Just a minute of distraction was enough for Choi han to grab cale bridal style and return to raons side. Choi hans clothes were now wet with cales blood, he had lost too much blood and his condition wasn't very good. He needed immediate treatment.

[Choi han how is he? Why is HE bleeding so much? I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING!]

Raon was rambling in Choi Han's head about his plans of destroying the world and Choi han pretended that he didn't hear anything.

"Raon take cale-nim with you. Be careful not to move his body too much. I will deal with them."


Raon held Cales's body up with floating magic and dashed out of the room.


The person in black was now pissed by this sudden turn of events.

Choi han activated his aura to the max and stood in between their way to exit. 

"No one leaves this room."


Outside the banquet hall, eurhaben sent the last group of these black intruders flying out of the window with a wave of his hand. It was his first time facing these people. They weren't beast people but were considerably strong and they didn't seem to be magicians because they only used explosive talismans and no spells. Who are they? Suspicious.

"Hey, you."

He pointed to halisman who was standing as far as possible from him as the other people in the banquet hall.

"Take care of the remaining forces."

"Y...YES SIR!"

He then pointed at someone else.

"Where is Cales's bedroom?"

Basen the person to whom this question was directed blinked twice before realizing that he should answer.

"Hyungs bedroom is on the third floor."

With the speed of lightning, eurhaben started to run toward the said location but before he could reach the third floor he heard a very familiar child screaming his name.


"What happened?"

"Goldie gramps! Help human! He is hurt and is bleeding!"

Raon removed the invisibility he had put around cale. Eurhaben started to frown after witnessing cales condition.

"Unlucky bastard. Look what they did to you."

He moved closer to examine his body. Something about this cut was bothering him but he couldn't understand what. He decided to think about it later and started to use healing magic to close the wound. After he stopped the bleeding he held cale bridal style and turned to look at the worried baby dragon.

"He will be fine child. You did a great job in bringing him to me. Now we should find a place for him to rest, but this place has fallen apart and is not safe I don't know where..."

Cough! Cough!

They turned to look at the coughing person.


Hans who was supporting himself against the wall started to walk toward them.

"We can (cough) use dukes bedroom. It is on the opposite side of the young masters bedroom. I think it is the safest place for now."

"Child help him lead the way."

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