Chapter 16

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"Cale! Cale wake up!"

Alberu who caught cale before he could hit the ground started to shake him a little hoping that he would open his eyes. Panic was evident in his every move.

"CALE!...Eurhaben-nim please look at him he isn't waking up!"

Alberu asked eurhaben who just came back after capturing one of those three individuals he was fighting. These people are not normal no matter how I look at them. They were even faster than me an ancient dragon in running and covering their tracks, it was luck that I got to injure this one badly.

Eurhaben went toward alberu who had cale in a gentle yet protective brace.

"What happened?"

He frowned after looking at Cale's state.

"I-I don't know. He was fine just before that bastard disappeared in a teleportation talisman, suddenly he lost his balance and became like this."

That bastard! How dare he I will make him pay for hurting what is mine.


Raon and Choi han came running after witnessing the state cale was in. Raon's dark blue eyes were shaking when he saw cale laying unconscious. Choi han's grip on his sword tightened. He couldn't protect cale again.

After checking Cale's condition eurhaben's frown deepened. Something in cales body was preventing his healing magic to take effect. No that's not it, his body is unharmed and he didn't receive any blow from anything harmful, then what could it be?

"First we should go back to super rock villa, I need help from Rosalyn."

Eurhaben reached out to take cale from alberu but alberu refused to give him. Instead, he held cale bridal style and walked toward the teleportable zone which was a few meters away and then raon teleported them back to the villa.

Their arrival caused another commotion. Everyone was worried about Cale's condition but no one dared to approach the room where eurhaben and Rosalyn were working on a treatment.

Alberu who was the only person who heard the last sentences between cale and that bastard Lucas knew that they will come after them.

"I think time's up for now, but don't worry I will find you again and this time I'll take back what's mine."

At first, he didn't know what he was talking about but then Raon told him about apple and all the events that followed. Those bastards are after a child and they dared to hurt cale to achieve their filthy desire. Wait until I get my hands on them.

"Choi han take lock and strengthen the defense of the villa and the forest. These people are not the type to let go of something that they are after. Since cale is in this state ask the tiger tribe for help on my behalf. Everyone should be on alert."

Choi han could feel the aura of a ruler around him with each command that he gave. The only person he knew that had the same vibe was cale. Both of them were born to lead and they understood each other better that anybody else. They were so similar and yet so different. He sometimes thinks that they can complete each other better than anyone else.

"Yes, your highness."

He bowed and left to find lock and others. Cale-nim this time I will protect you and the family that you gave me properly. He was determined.

Alberu was pacing in front of Cale's room. He felt uneasy ever since cale left his embrace. He knew that something was wrong with his state but he didn't know what. He wanted to make those brown eyes stare at him once again and those desirable light pink lips give him small unnoticed smiles every once in a while.


He turned around and saw On quietly walking out of the room across the hall and going to the balcony. He followed her and opened the door of the balcony only to find On sitting at the corner and bracing her knees and silently crying.

Sniff sniff

Alberu felt a pang in his heart when he witnessed this scene. He knew the reason for her sadness was the same as his. He walked toward her and sat beside her.

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself?"

On looked at alberu with crystal eyes.

"It's all my fault. *Sniff* he...he told me to take apple and hong with me and he stayed behind to buy us time. I should have stayed back and helped him! He always gets hurt when he wants to protect us. I am old enough to help...but he won't let me...*sniff*."

More tears started to wet her cheeks. Alberu whose heart was broken with each of her words gently wiped her tears with his fingers.

"Listen to me. You did nothing wrong. I'm sure that cale is proud of you just like I am for protecting your siblings and bringing them home safely. So don't cry."

Alberu who has never comforted someone, especially a child tried his best to sound as sincere as possible. This girl is still just a child but she wants to protect her family, his family. Ever since cale walked into his life, he was no longer alone. He had a family that he wanted to protect and cherish.

"Will he be okay?"

On asked with traces of doubt in her voice and hopeful eyes.
Alberu hugged her and patted her back. He knew right now both of them needed this.

"of course, he will. I will make sure of that."


They stayed like that until he felt her body loosening in his embrace. She had fallen asleep. Alberu carried her to the room and put her near the already sleeping Hong and Raon, all of them seemed to have cried themselves to sleep. He covered them with a blanket and then checked on apple before stepping out of the room but what greeted him was Rosalyn's concerned face.

"Something is wrong."

He felt the world was crashing down.

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