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*Calum's POV*

I saw the picture. I panicked."LUKE, ASH, MIKE, COME HERE!" I shouted, hoping that the guys, that I assume are in the other room, heard me.

"What the hell dude, you don't have to be so loud," Michael stated as he walked through the door, Luke and Ash following him.

"Look what this dick is doing with my girl!" I yelled almost as loud, earning an annoyed look from Mike.

"Lemme see," Ashton sighed as he reached for the phone. "Holy shit is that Jake?" He asked. I just nodded in response.The nice thing about this situation is that none of the boys like Jake either, we all mutually hated him when we were kids, but then Ren just had to befriend him, and now were stuck. I always knew he liked her, but I didn't think he would ever take it this far.

"Whatever guys," I sighed. "Let's just head to the venue early and practice that song, I really need it to work,"

*Ren's POV*

I wake up on the couch, not quite sure why I'm here and not in my bed.

Then all last nights events started to flood back into my head.

Jake forced me to watch the Conjuring.

I told him Cal and I broke up.

I took a cute selfie with him.

Finished my plan to make Calum jealous.

Then I fell asleep. But where was he?

I then heard a loud bang in the kitchen followed by shit and some laughing.

I stand up quickly, and immediately regret it due to my terrible head-rush. After I recover, I walk through the hallway to the kitchen where I find Jake, Gabby, and Lizzie attempting to make God knows what.

"Shit! We wanted to surprise you!" Gabby revealed.

"It's totally okay guys, how about I help instead. I think you guys need it anyway," I laughed.

We then proceeded to make chocolate chip pancake with yogurt parfaits, it was one of the best breakfasts that I've had in a long time. Before we knew it, Jake had to leave to babysit his siblings, leaving me and the girls here once again. Kelly had a 24-hour shift at the station again to make up the time she took off at home these past few weeks , so who knows exactly when she'll be back."Why don't we go and hang out in the living room, I'm tired of standing," they all agreed and that's where we headed. I grabbed the armchair and Lizzie and Gabby took the love seat next to it. I pulled out my phone to see that Calum had tweeted a few minutes ago.

@Calum5sos - It's been raining since you left me, and I'm drowning in the flood. You see I've always been a fighter, but without you I give up. #always #holdonforme

"Hey guys, go check out Calum's twitter," I breathe. The two of them pull out their phones and look for his page. "You don't think that's about me is it," I know I sound like an idiot, who else would it be? But maybe, just maybe, I'm over reacting and thinking it through to much.

"I don't know Ren, I mean it could be, but don't read into it too much," Lizzie said. I glance back down at my phone, but from the corner of my eye I see Liz and Gabby look at each other with a look as if they are hiding something from me.

"What are you keeping from me?" I ask them, looking Lizzie, knowing that she is the worst liar out of the both of them. "I'm not an idiot, and if you were smart you wouldn't keep anything from me right now," I'm pissed.

"We're not keeping anything from you, Ren. We just wanted to livestream their performance tonight, and we were scared that after this tweet you wouldn't want to. That's why we looked at each other," Lizzie concurred.

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