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*Calum's POV*

I spend the rest of the day writing.

Usually it takes me a few days to come up with, the chorus even, to a great song but this one was flowing out of me like a river. I decided to start the song with the lyrics as if I was talking right to her, I feel like it will be a little more personal that way.

Today is Tuesday and I feel like I can get this done before Sunday.

We have our last show Saturday night before we leave and I am planning on asking the boys if we could finish it with this song. I feel like maybe she would see it and know that I do care no matter how much she thinks I don't.

Focus Cal, you have to finish this.

"Six week since I've been away

And now you're saying everything has changed

And I'm afraid that I might be losing you"

After I got the first part of the verse done, I began the chorus.

"I won't give up,

Even though it hurts so much

Every night I'm losing you in a thousand faces

I feel like we're close as strangers."

I am really happy with this so far and like I had a really good train of thought rolling but I was interrupted by shouting in the other room. What are they doing at 4 in the morning that would require shouting? I thought that Luke was sleeping and Mikey and Ash were in the Arcade.

I got up and walked out of the room, pretty ticked off at my bandmates, and went over to the room across the hall. The door was ajar so I just opened the door and stood there for a second, waiting for them to realize that I was there.

When I opened the door, I visibly frightened Luke, but Mikey and Ash just looked up.

"What's all of the commotion? I'm writing next door!" They are obviously facetiming someone but at this point I'm not sure who.

"Hey Cal! There's someone who want to talk to you!" Ash stated excitedly.

For a moment my hopes raised because I thought that maybe Ren had contacted the boys, and the reason they were making so much noise was to get my attention in the other room.

"Liz wants to say hi!" Luke said excitedly.

"Hi Lizzie!" I said this only half-heartedly due to my disappointment of it not being Ren.

"Hey guys, can you keep it down, I really need to finish that song."

Luke seemed to panic a little when I said that, maybe because he didn't want Lizzie to know what I was doing and then go and tell Ren.

I really hope that those two are still friends back home.

"Yeah, we'll keep it down, no problem! Hey, I'll call you later Lizzie, love you babe!" Luke then hung up without another word from Lizzie.

"Why did you hang up so fast?" I asked Luke.

"Because I wanted to discuss the plan of this coming week before you went back into your cave and continued to write."

"What do you mean plans?" Mikey questioned.

I had totally forgotten that Luke and I had made plans to leave early this morning by ourselves when Mikey and Ash were still out doing who knows what.

"Oh yeah, Luke and I have decided that we don't want to stay in LA for another month, we want to go home on Sunday."

There was an awkward silence in the room from all of us until Luke spoke up to explain more.

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