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*Calum's POV*

Michael announces the new song and the three of us other lads walk back onto the stage.

There is a hushed bustling among the crowd and people are holding out there phones they have recently put away. There are 3 stools and Ashton's box, set out in the middle of the stage waiting for us. We decided yesterday that we should do it acoustic rather than the full on band.

Michael starts to strum out the first notes, then sings his part of the song.

"Six weeks since I've been away,
And now you're sayin' everything has changed,
And I'm afraid that I might be losing you,"

He continued until the chorus, in which we all picked it up.

"So tell me are we wasting time,
Talking on a broken line?
Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages,
I feel like we're as Close As Strangers,"

Then as according to plan, I sing the rest of the song by myself except for the chorus' where we all join in.

Playing it didn't even feel like we were on stage. I felt like I was back at the hotel room writing, and with Ren at the exact same time; it felt so surreal. The fans were waving their hands to the beat, trying to pick up the new lyrics, and some of them got it by the final chorus. I felt so much pride over what I had created, I felt like I was going to explode.

And the part that made it all worth while is the fact that I know my rock, my best friend, my girlfriend is watching. And I know that she knows this song is for her.

"6 months since I've been away,
And I know everything has changed,
But tomorrow I'll be coming back to you,"

And with the finish of the song, the crowd went wild and seemed to really like the new song.

"That song is very special to me," I start. "It was written for someone who is special to my heart, and should have never let go of. Thank you all for the support, and good night,"

The three of us then leave the stage feeling absolutely ecstatic about what just went down.

"Dude that song is fucking genius," Michael raved.

"Yeah, you did good mate," Ashton said giving me a pat on the back.

As soon as we got to the dressing room, I immediately plopped down on the couch and opened Twitter, not even caring about the sweaty clothes that I am currently in.

I scroll and see things like:

@5sos_fam_updatess: The link to the new song is in my bio! Check it out here first! #CloseAsStrangers

@5soslooooover: The new song is fucking adorable, I can't get enough of it. #CloseAsStrangers

@HelloBrooklyn938: If you don't listen to 5sos, you have another good reason to tonight with their new song! #CloseAsStrangers

@AlexAllTimeLow: Dude just heard the new track and it's sick, keep working lil bro #CloseAsStrangers

I keep scrolling across the tweets until I found one that really stood out to me:

@RenHartman_16: Everyday it gets harder to stay away from you </3

I obviously retweeted it, but didn't reply. I'm not sure if she knows I'm coming home, but it doesn't matter anymore, I'm just so stoked that I get to see my girl tomorrow, well today in America.

All I can say though, is that I'm so fucking happy that this worked. For now at least.

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