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*Calum's POV*

"C'mon guys we're wasting the day!" Ren calls up the stairs to where the boys are I are getting ready.

It's been a month since Ren had been discharged from the hospital, and since then she has been doing quite remarkable; making a near full recovery since then, but is still sore around her stomach area where she had surgery twice. The small fractures around her body are fully recovered; it's amazing.

She went from having a fifty percent chance to live to recovering much faster than any of us have ever dreamed of.

The day after she woke up, she explained the visions to everyone. This whole situation made everyone open their eyes. We don't know how long any one of us will be around, so we need to make the most of it.

Today is the first day since being discharged that she's going out in public. She really wanted to get better fast for herself and everyone around her, so she's cooped herself in the house, only leaving if it is absolutely necessary.

"We'll be down in a second!" Michael yelled down in behalf of all of us, even though he's the only one that isn't ready.

We had asked her what she wanted to do on her first day out with all of us, and she decided on the beach. None of us complained, we had actually been missing it ourselves.

"Well hurry up! I want to be able to spend a lot of the day there!" she yelled back. "Oh and the girls are here!" she says before getting the door for them.

"Alright guys, you ready?" I ask.

With that we all head down the stairs and pile into the car that isn't made to fit all of. Ashton and Gabby take the front seat and the rest of us five pile into the back. Michael gets stuck in the middle, Lizzie sits on Luke's lap and Ren sits on my own.

Michael grabs the AUX cord and plugs it into his phone. The sounds of The Middle by Jimmy Eat World fill the speakers and we jam out as we race down the back roads that line the beach. There is beach all along the road we're driving, but there is one spot where we all love. It has perfect sand, amazing shells, and some rocks that are nice to sit on that surrounds a fire pit.

"It just takes some time,
Little Girl, your in the middle of the ride,
Everything, everything will be just fine,
Everything, everything will be alright," I sing into Ren's ear.

She turns her head around and plants a kiss on my lips. "I've missed hearing you sing," she says.

"C'mon guys! No PDA in the back!" Michael yells. In response to Michael's comment, Luke turns Lizzie's head and starts making out, purposely leaning into Michael. I follow Lukes actions and do the same with Ren. Gabby soon gets the hint and starts kissing Ashton's neck trying not to distract him too much from driving. "This sucks," was all he muttered, earning laughs from the rest of us.

The song switches and Fergalicious comes on.

"Mike, why do you have this song on your phone?" Gabby says laughing.

"Why not? This is my jam!" he says starting to rap the song.

"Listen up y'all cause this is it,
The beat that I'm playin is the next shit.
Fergalicious definition make them boys go loco..." Michael sings while we all laugh at him for knowing the words.

After a half an hour of singing to Mike's phone, we arrive at our favorite spot on the beach. Thankfully no one is there, we like it when it's just us.

"Alright, everyone but Ren grab something and bring it out to the spot," I say to everyone.

"You don't have to baby me, Calum. I'm fine," she insists before grabbing the heavy bag with the food in it.

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