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*Ren's POV*

Last night did not happen.

Last night did not happen.

Last night did not happen.

That is the only thing that is running through my head the second that my heavy eyes open.

I instinctively reach for my phone to check my notifications, and all I see is a shit ton of tweets that I am mentioned in. The tweets ranged from people telling Calum that he is an idiot and he doesn't deserve me to me being too sensitive and over reacting.

I am kind of in a trance, I don't know what I should be thinking, or feeling for that matter. Never in my entire life did I think that Calum would cheat on me. I just kind of sat there for a while, not knowing if I should cry, scream, or what... I just felt lost. Kinda like when my mom died, but not nearly as much.

I must have been sitting there for a good thirty minutes before hearing a small knock on my door.

"Come in," my voice hoarse. I wondered if whoever is outside that door heard me, but the door opened, relieving me from having to try to speak again. Not surprisingly, it was Kelly that stepped in cautiously.

"Hey how are you doing, love? I was thinking that you could just stay home today, we can do whatever you want!" Just as the kind words left her mouth, the doorbell rang.

"Let me go get that, I'll be right back," she gave me a reassuring glance, then sidestepped out to go and answer the door.

Not even a minute later, Lizzie and Gabby are walking through my bedroom door and sitting in their normal positions within my quite large room. Lizzie was the first to break the absolute dead silence.

"How are you doing?" God, why does everyone keep asking that one fucking question? Would you be okay if you are in my shoes? Even if you can't imagine that, does it look like I'm okay? I'm pretty damn sure that my eyes are puffy and red and my cheeks are burning. But once again, I answer the way people want me to.

"I'm fine," the only problem is that these girls no me better than I know myself.

"That's a lie, and you know it Ren! You don't need to lie to us right now..." she stands up and engulfs me in a gigantic hug.

She does no me better than I know myself, she knew that I needed a hug more than anything. Honestly a hug is all I want right now, that and that last night didn't happen.

We stayed there for a while until I pulled back, tears filled my eyes.

"Lizzie and I are going to go and get some ice cream and movies. Don't worry we are not leaving you today!" She gave me a small, empathetic smile to show that she is here for me, then left with Lizzie to retrieve the said supplies.

I pull out my phone to find more tweets about me and Cal, I choose to ignore them and I go to my page. I click the 'new tweet' button and start constructing a tweet that is directed not only at Calum, but at all the fans as well.

renhartman_16- Are we wasting time talking on a broken line, telling you I haven't seen your face in ages? I'm sorry about what happened, but this is all my fault, please don't blame anybody else. Thanks guys xx

Just as I send the tweet, and get immediate feedback, the girls walk back in with my favorite ice cream and some of my favorite comedies.

Mint Chocolate chip and anchorman.

The only problem is that Calum and I used to watch and eat these things together. I hold back tears and put on a smile because I know that their hearts are in the right place and they just want to see me better.

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