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*Calum's POV*

*Italics are memories/flashbacks*

I turn off my phone and get ready to board the plane that is set for Australia. I am normally not a morning person and usually am quite grumpy, this most likely results in not meeting fans because I don't want to come across like I don't want to hang out with them. But this morning, I am so awake and excited, while waiting for the plane I go out and meet some of the fans.

I hear a lot of people say 'great new song' and 'good luck' because they're not dumb, the 5sos Fam knows about the struggles with me and Ren, and they know that's where I'm heading.

Before long, I'm called by Luke to go and get on the plane.

When I sit down next to Luke on the plane and immediately start my ipod and listen to music. This is the best way to let the time pass. The first song that comes on is 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri, which leads me to think about Ren.

"Calum! Calum, have you ever heard this song?" Ren asks running up to me after school. She shows me her ipod and I see the song playing is 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri.

"Isn't it that song from Twilight?" I ask her, vaguely remembering it from when she forced me into a Twilight marathon one night.

"Yes, but it's such a better song when you don't think of it in the movie context," she tells me right before she takes one of her earbuds and sticks it into my own ear.

'I have died everyday, waiting for you

darling don't be afraid, I have loved you

for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more'

I have to admit, the song is a good one. It kinda describes how I feel for Ren, but she doesn't know that, and I'm not sure that she ever will.

"It's really good, Ren, I really like it," I smiled.

I remember that day and that it was just a few months after we met. We became so close so fast and it was almost scary to the boys and I.

I start to fall asleep as we finish taking off, and I know that it will be better if I do sleep, so that is what I do.

"Hey Ren, do you want to come over later?" I ask her. We haven't been friends long, maybe 6 months but it has felt like forever. Mali has been telling me that if I ever want Ren to be more than a friend, then I need to do something soon before some other lucky guy comes by and sweeps her off her feet.

"Yeah! I would love to! Are the other boys coming to?" she asks, there is barely ever a time where we hang out without everyone there.

"Actually no, I was hoping we could have another movie marathon night, I really enjoyed it the last time we did it,"

"But you hated the Twilight movies," she laughed.

"Yeah but I loved hanging out with you. Plus the boys have been driving me insane lately, I need a night away from them," I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Okay," she laughs. "it's a date then," she says, and all of my worst fear have now been proven irrational.

I go home with a skip in my step and when I walk in I find Mali at the kitchen making a sandwhich.

"Hey Mali,"

"Hey," she starts. "did you finally grow a pair today?" she jokes.

"Actually yeah, she's coming over tonight,"

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