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*Calum's POV*

*Trigger Warning please read with caution*

When sunrise came around, a few people decided to go home and get some rest because there weren't any changes in Ren's health, but the boys and I stayed.

Ashton came and sat next to me, but I wasn't having it. I'm still not going to forgive him and the rest of the boys for not being there for her.

"Look Calum," Ashton started.

"I don't want to hear shit from you," I tell him, not taking my eyes off Ren.

"I don't want to fight," he pushes forward.

"Neither do I, and we're not fighting. You're being a jackass and it might be hurting her health," I claim, trying to blame this situation on him.

"That's absolute bullshit and you know it," Luke butts in.

I put my head in my hands because I know that my best mates are turning their backs on me. "It's not bullshit. Ren needs us here being positive and you're not giving that to her. She needs to know that we want her to wake up, that we still care about her,"

"Calum, listen to me," Michael says, joining the conversation. "I did some research and there's a really good chance that she can't hear us. Doctor's tell people that so they don't give up hope," he explains, keeping his eyes low.

"I don't give a fuck about some stupid statistics," I fume. "Even though most people can't hear, what if she's the lucky one that can. What if we're the people that are helping her choose between life and death,"

All the boys have sorrowful eyes, yet none of them are agreeing with me. They are all taking Ashton's side and it's not okay. They need to see it from my point of view and stop being so selfish.

"You know what guys, fuck you. If you aren't going to be supportive and here for her, I want you to leave,"

"But we care, Calum," Luke tries to explain.

"You obviously don't if you are taking Ashton's side on this," I tell the three of them, being done with their bullshit.

Without any other words between us, the boys leave the room, letting me alone with Ren.

"If you can hear me, I need you to fight harder. I need you to know that I still want you here. I still want you by my side. I would give anything to switch spots with you right now because I know for a fact that I deserve to be in a coma much, much more than you do. But unfortunately I can't turn back time and I can't swap places with you, but Ren if I could, I would. I would take away your pain everyday of your life if I could," I stop a moment because I could feel a hot tear falling down my cheek. "Please Ren, just wake up, I'm not quite sure what I would do if you didn't,"

Full on sobbing I move from the chair next to her to the one by the window because I'm scared that me crying will impact her health negatively.

Just as I move back, the monitor starts to make weird noises.

The next few minutes seem to flash before my eyes.

Nurses and doctors start to flood into the room at a rapid pace all trying to figure out what is happening with Ren. I try to barge into the huddle that is surrounding her, but a few nurses grab me by the arms and try to tell me that I have to give the doctors room to do their jobs.

As they pull me out of the room a simple 'I Love You, Ren' was all I could muster.

After the nurses get me out of the room, I calm down as they instruct me to go back to the waiting room. I arrive and there is no one that I know there so I take a seat in the corner by myself. Pulling out my phone I decide it would be best to text everyone updates.

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