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*Ren's POV*

I can feel myself slowly letting go.

But wait, I can't go just yet.

I have to work.

I have to try to come back.

I need Lizzie.

I need Calum.

I need Kelly.

I just hope they don't need me as much as I need them.

*Calum's POV*

Michael and I sit there for a while.

Knowing that there are things we have to do today, I break the hug and look at Michael; both of our eyes still brimmed with tears. 

"I hate to be the burden of bad news, but we have promo today," Michael hesitantly tells me. "You don't have to come, we can just send Ashton and Luke and we can hang out here, I think it would be best if we didn't go back to the hospital for a while," he explains, in which I totally agree.

I need to get my mind off of things, and I think that the promo can do the trick.

"What is the promo?" I ask, not knowing if it is a mini concert or an interview. 

"It's an interview and one song, which will probably be Good Girls," 

"Yeah, I think I'm up for it," I nod, and Michael is taken aback.

"Are you sure?" he asks; I just nod in agreement. "Okay, it's in two hours so you should get a shower, cause mate, you reek," Michael says, earning a slight smile from me. 

We both stand up and Michael grabs the piece of metal before leaving the room for me to shower. I kind of question his actions, but I know they hold good intentions so I don't mind it.

I take my time in the shower, letting the steaming hot water burn my back ever so slightly. I think about my life in the last six months and how it has been such a roller coaster. 

When we left, we were so excited to finally be on tour, even if it was just for a month or so, but when we found out we were going longer, it was crazy. By crazy I mean it was exciting but crazy as we were lunatics. We had agreed to being away from our loved ones six times longer than planed. We eventually adjusted, but not without heart ache for everyone back in Aussie. I missed my mum and dad, Mali, and most of all Ren. I was and still am so in love with her, and I'm dreading the day that she will be pulled away from me. Sadly, this day is coming much sooner than any of us would have thought.

I step out of the shower after twenty minutes, and a rush of unwelcome cold air hits me. Wrapping a towel around me I walk to my room and find Michael on my bed scrolling through twitter.

Without even acknowledging that I walked in, he started talking to me about what the fans know.

Shit.  I didn't even think about the fans these last few days, I haven't really been on my phone in the last couple days. 

"Alright, so none of the fans no exactly what's going on, but a few of the clever ones have noticed that you nor Ren have tweeted in nearly five days. This idea has caught on and fans are worried. Luke said that management contacted him clearing the questions of the interview with us. He said that there was one about Ren to clear up what is happening, and that he told him that we would see how you feel when you get there," he explains.

"Okay, but how close are the fans knowing exactly what is happening?" I ask.

"Well the ones from Sydney have seen the paper with her name in the part with the accident report, but that's all they know, no specifics. But they are really supportive and I have seen little to no hate so that's always a plus,"

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