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*Calum's POV*

As I slowly wake up, I hear whispers around me.

This is not good guys.

She found the pictures what are we going to do?

What is Cal going to think?

She must be crushed.

You know she is, did you even read the text that she sent?

Yeah and did you see her tweet?

I couldn't place who was saying what but I know it's the boys around me. I could find their voices just about anywhere.

I sit up a little too fast, and immediately fall right back down, due to the sharp pain in the back of my head. Luke was at my side when I went back down.

"Cal, you might want to stay down for a while, you're going to be a little hung over today," He looked concerned, all of them did.

"b-uu-t," when I first tried out my voice, it wasn't there. I tried again with a little bit more certainty, "but what were you guys talking about, what happened." I paused for a moment, "What did I do?"

The boys just stared.

"What did I do?" I demanded it this time.

"I don't think that you want to hear this, but it you insist," After that comment, Mikey then tossed my phone at me which I nearly dropped.

I unlocked my phone, and opened up my text messages. The most recent one was from my mum. It read:

"What did you do to Ren? She is a mess"

I then didn't need to even look at what Ren sent me. My mom would never text me about Ren unless it is bad.

I then click on the conversation below my mums, I almost didn't want to know what Ren sent me.

I saw that she sent me an incredibly long text.

I look at it and start reading. I can almost hear her voice as I read it.

Hey Cal, I just want to say that I really miss you, more than words can even describe. You are on my mind every second of the day, and I don't know if you still feel that way about me but I know for sure that I still feel that way about you. I just can't get over the fact that you lied to me. You told me that you were only going to be gone for 6 weeks, and you said that you would never forget me, but I feel like you have broken both of those promises. One, it's been 6 months not 6 weeks and I don't really care what you think about you forgetting me, because I know it's true. And it's totally alright. Don't worry about me cause I have already started doing the same thing, I am trying to forget the bad and just remember the good times that we had. And to be honest cal, I hope you stay in the US, I am truly happy for you guys and I'm happy that you get to do something that I love. I will be graduating next year anyway so it won't even matter. I will go off to college and you will stay on tour, and that will be how it is. I really miss you CalPal and I wish things could be different but this is how it has to be. I love you. And I don't know what you were doing last night, but I saw the pictures. Thanks for staying true, Cal. Thank you for forgetting me, it makes it a lot easier for me to forget you.

I looked up from the text to find that nobody was looking at me. They were all looking other places so they didn't have to look into my eyes. I then clicked on Twitter to see what set this off.

Because at this point, I don't have a clue as to why Ren broke up with me.

I looked at my recent tweets to find that I posted a picture of me and a girl I vaguely remember from the party last night. I then see what Ren saw. The girl was half-naked, sitting on my lap, and had her lips on my cheek.

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