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↳ ❝Wait! I will ate you guys!

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↳ ❝Wait! I will ate you guys!..❞

HOW COME, This woman is always hungry for the past few hours, those are the thoughts that this students has been thinking every damn hours.

There's no such things that Y/N will not be hungry, she's always getting herself into troubles everytime the young woman saw any animals. She will simply thought that it was an edible food. Something that every animals have which is Meat.

And yet here she go again, trying to catch those squirrels that's running away from her with feared look on their faces, Megumi couldn't take the moment to only stood there and watch them got eaten by this crazy woman, so he chase after the predator of those poor animals running from their lives.

"MATTE! I WILL COOK YOU GUYS!" You yelled trying to catch up with them, and yet Megumi was still shouting to you from behind multiple times that those creature's aren't food.

Nobara and Yuji couldn't hold back their laugh, so they literally snickers while holding their mouths. Good thing that their mentor manage to get there on time, which is surprisingly.

He saw the commotion, You. chasing the squirrels while megumi was running after you, trying to stop your attemp murder on those creatures.

The two students somehow stop their laughs, and immediately gaze on their mentor having a smile on his lips.

"Oh? Sensei..You're on time..." Yuji.

"Well that's surprising.." Nobara.

"Well yup.. I also brought some foods for her and some of these flowers for my Y/n-ChAaaaaaaaan!♡︎" Their childish mentor literally spins around while having heart backgrounds.

Yup Sanji's elder brother.

He boughts this many food carried by a truck from behind him, making his two students had a huge eye ball, completely shock by that.

"WHAAAAAAT?!" Yuji and Nobara.

You stop running suddenly making poor megumi bump into your back with an impact, which made him fell on the ground with red face result by the hit.

"Yooohoo! Meeeeshhiiii!" You yelled and immediately run faster than a race car to reach that truck full of food while having heart shape eyes.

It's because food is the only thing you love the most.

You accidentally bump the blindfold sorcerer too much, making him fell down on the ground. Attention was only lock on that food feasting them on your hands, it took you a minute before realizimg him laying on the grass.

❝LIBERATION. ❞ ➤ Jujutsu kaisen [XONEPIECE]Where stories live. Discover now