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Chapter Title

"The Return of The Straw hat pirates.."

A YEAR AGO, Surely ruined his plan the goal to destroy everything and bring back the heian era was cut off by a certain rookie.

The idea of the connection of the two world gave kenjaku a lot of calculation inside his head.

Michevous acts and thoughts to capture Mugiwara was something more favor than his plan.

"As i was saying, things got change when that woman arrives." Geto said as he tried to play with the chest game while the rest of his group did the same.

"That Straw hat girl? She sure quite tough despite of being a small bean." Mahito said as he yawn.

"She's stronger than you think Mahito that woman one shot me with her stretchable arms." Jogo said being annoyed as him and hanami play mahjong.

"Jeez. We might do something with her Geto...The Sorcerers are putting all their trust to her." Mahito suggest.

"I know....We all have the information we have from her world. The connection with New world and Mugiwara No Y/n having the most powerful devil fruit on her world.."

"The world government seeks to get her. The more she awakens her power, the more she became dangerous and strong..." Geto explained to them.

It was no big deal at the very first place but Kenjaku overheard their conversation between Sukuna and Y/n.

The king of curses seeks for the sun god known as Nika. The warrior of liberation.

They don't know exactly what sukuna wants from her but deep down, they knew sukuna wants Y/n for her numerous ability.



Someone yelled from a far when the said people cover their ears hearing the salmon haired boy running his way to them.

"Keep it down idiot." Megumi.

"We're looking for Mugi-chan apparently sensei snatch her again from us.."Nobara yelled at him while rolling her eyes.

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