When It Started-2

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Today as I was walking through the halls to leave school for the day I got stopped by my friend Debbie.
"Hey Deb!" I said. She was jumping up and down in excitement. "Hey Ang! Let me get to the point I'm going to have a sleepover and I was wondering if you wanted to come." I nodded and asked," When is it?" She handed me a little paper that gave the details about the sleepover. I skimmed through it and saw that it was this Saturday. "I should be able to go but I'll ask Darry and let you know tomorrow, ok?" Debbie squealed, jumped up and down some more and then gave me a huge hug. " Ok don't forget to ask I know you can be forgetful. Bye!" And with that she left and so did I.

                                                                                ****TIME SKIP****

I got home and saw Two-bit, Dally, Johnny, and Pony in the living room. "Hi" I quickly said and then rushed to my room making sure I had everything for the sleepover so I could use it to help me persuade Darry to let me go. Once I got everything packed for the sleepover (which is three days from now) I went downstairs right when Steve and Soda walked into the house. Soda walked past me to get chocolate milk and I went to the living room where everyone else was and I sat down on the floor beside Pony. 
"Are you ok?" Pony asked me.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" 
"Well you were in such a hurry to your room earlier I thought something happened."
"Oh well I packed my bags for a sleepover because I'm wayyy to excited for it."
"Oh ok." 
After our conversation I continued to watch Mickey Mouse which was on tv until Darry got home which was around 10:00. When he walked in he looked tired and I felt bad for about to ask him if I could go to a sleepover tonight so I decided to do it in the morning. When Darry got home he got some cake and then sat in his chair reading the newspaper and would sometimes look at the TV. There were many conversations going on around me but I was quiet for the most part except for when I was dragged into one. 
At around midnight Steve, Dally, Johnny, and Steve all left and went their respective ways. "It's time to go to bed you three." Darry said. Darry, Soda, and Pony all went to their rooms while I turned off the TV and then went to Pony and Soda's room. I gave them both a hug and said goodnight. I went to Darry's room and did the same thing but secretly put the invitation to the sleepover on his nightstand for him to hopefully see in the morning. After I did that I went to my room, got covered up, and then went to sleep.

(A/N I am so sorry if that was bad and short it's sorta late and I was rushed but I'll try to make it better in the future! Anyways  don't forget to eat and drink water!)

Words: 524

Angela CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now