Summer Break Starts-11

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{Sodapop POV}

Everyone stared at Darry confused after watching Angela walk up the stairs. "What happened?" I asked him. He gave me a glare and then said angrily," Well out very lovely kid sister decided to beat up a kid in the hall at school. I can't believe that she HAD to do this on the LAST DAY of school!" Everyone looked shocked. Angela? No she wouldn't do that. She won't even kill a bug how could she beat up a kid. While lost in though Darry stormed upstairs and slammed his bedroom door.


Darry had come back downstairs after a few hours and just finished dinner. Angela's been in her room the whole time. I'm getting slightly worried about her but she should be fine. 

"Can someone take Angela some dinner?" Darry asked

"I will." I said while getting up and getting her some food. I then started going to her room. I lightly knocked on her door waiting a bit for an answer. After a few seconds I didn't get one so I opened the door slowly. When the door was all the way opened I saw Angela asleep with one of her wrists in a medical wrap.

I walked into her room and places down the plate of food. I lightly shake her awake because I want to know what's wrong with her wrist and she also needs to eat. She starts to wake up a little," Hmm?" she sorta grunts. "What happened to your wrist?" I ask her in a concerned whisper. "Oh some kid just slammed my locker door on it. I'm ok though. I beat him up for revenge." She says a little bit more awake now. I nod unsure if I should tell someone. I know I should but I'll let Darry cool off a bit. 

I walked towards her bedroom door and I give her a slight smile and say," Ok, well if it hurts more or something then you should tell Darry but for now eat your dinner." before going downstairs. I sit down at the table beside Steve and Pony. "Did you give her her dinner?" Darry asks while sitting down. I nod. "You should go check on her wrist later." I add while shoveling food into my mouth.  Darry looks at me and then starts eating. I can tell that he's lost in his thoughts so I start talking to Steve about the DX.

{Angela's POV}

I look at the food I was given. Lately I've been regretting not eating. I feel bad for wasting perfectly good food but I'm scared to get fat. I get out of my bed and I stand in front of the full-length mirror in my room. I turn to my side and look at my stomach. I lift my shirt just so it shows my stomach and I just look. I feel fat because of what everyone has said but...I don't look that fat. I turn so I'm facing the mirror, my shirt still pulled up showing my stomach. I look at my waist. It's not as big as I thought it was. 

"Maybe I am loosing weight" I said out loud but in a whisper. I smiled then pulled my shirt down. I happily skipped over to my bed and plopped down on it and started to dig into my dinner. I was so happy. I've been missing food so much. As I was finishing my food my stomach started to hurt but I could care less I am finally full and I'm so much happier. As I took my last bite I did a little happy wiggle. (A/N-I hope that made sense, if it didn't then I'm sorry.)

After I had eaten I decided to read a book which soon got boring. I then tried to go to sleep but that idea was short lived since when my head got to the pillow and I was covered up in warm blankets and I had gotten in a comfortable position I heard yelling from downstairs. I was annoyed by this but I soon found comfort in it. Not in a weird way but these guys that I've known my entire life just having fun and being happy made me happy. Even thought I couldn't see them. I started to feel bad for burdening them but everyone has their moments. Right?

Words: 843

(A/N- I know this chapter is shorter and I'm sorry about that but the next one will be longer I promise! I'm also sorry for not posting in a while I've been caught up with school but I'm on break this week so I should be able to write more it just depends on my motivation. Also I will make announcements on my profile with updates on around when I'll be posting a chapter or chapters, and I just wanna say that I'm so thankful for 529 reads I never thought that this would get that many! Anyways I'll leave off here. Don't forget to eat plenty and stay hydrated and happy Halloween season!!!)

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