Idea in Action-7

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   10 minutes later the gang showed up. A few minutes before they showed up I decided to go to my room and read because I needed to put my idea in action. 
"Angela time for breakfast!!" Darry yelled from downstairs. 
   "I'll be down there when I finish this chapter!" I yell back. It was a lie. I wasn't going to go down there but I was sort of afraid to say that I wasn't hungry because I helped with breakfast which is kinda a sign that you're hungry. I kept reading my book 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. I would've enjoyed the book but instead I was worried about someone thinking I was lying. Like I said earlier I'm the absolute worst at lying. I'm also an overthinker. I was starting to get stressed with my thoughts, so I decided to stop reading and try to take atleast a short nap.

Ponyboy's POV

"ANGELA COME DOWN TO EAT!!" Darry yelled. 
   Pony, go get your sister." Darry said.
   I nodded and got up. When I got to her door it was slightly cracked open. I knocked on it and then opened it fully. When I stepped in I was Angela asleep on her bed. I wasn't sure if I should wake her up or not so I went downstairs and asked Darry. "She's asleep. Do you want me to wake her up?" I asked
   Darry sighed. "No just let her sleep but make sure she eats." He said.
I nodded back to him and sat down to finish my food.

Angela's POV

    I woke up and looked at the time. I had slept for 2 hours. I sat up and was thinking about going downstairs to the living room," but they would probably make me eat." I thought. After a few minutes I decided to go downstairs. When I got there I sat on the floor by the end of the couch. 
"Looks like Sleeping Beauty finally decided to wake up!" Two-Bit said energetically. I gave a slight smile and rested my head on the side of the couch because I was still slightly tired.
    I was watching Mickey-Mouse when Darry spoke from his arm chair, "It's almost time for lunch what do y'all want?" He asked. Everyone shrugged in response. "We should let Angela decide since she didn't have breakfast." Soda said and everyone agreed. Suddenly all eyes were on me. I was panicking because I still wasn't hungry and if I used an excuse then they would be onto me. "Ummm Maybe chicken? I'm not sure." I said quietly while feeling my face get red and hot from embarrassment. "Is everyone ok with chicken for lunch?" Darry asked. There was a mixture of "Yeah" and "Sure" from the gang. And with that Darry got up and went to the kitchen to make lunch.
   While lunch was being made everyone in the living room minus me were making plans for after lunch. They made a plan that after lunch they would go to the lot and play football and then we could all go to the drive-in and maybe get food after. I was secretly really happy about the drive-in part because I've wanted to go for a long time. I didn't really care for the football because I'm bad at sports and I also hate them. When we all play football I'm normally the referee or I just watch which is ok with me. When I have to be the referee I normally just end up being somebody on the side lines because even thought Darry played football and I had to go to all of his games I still didn't get any football terms. To me it was just a bunch on nonsense that happen to be words which are understandable. 
   A while later Darry yelled for everyone to go to the table for lunch and so we did. I wasn't too excited to eat but I knew that I had to so I wouldn't blow my cover. I sat at the table in between Steve and Two-Bit.(A/N- the order that I imagine them sitting in is Angela, Steve, Soda, Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas, Darry, and Two-Bit) There was fried chicken and cooked chicken. I got two pieces of friend chicken and put that on my plate along with some fries. It was no secret that I'm addicted to chicken and fries like Dallas is addicted to smoking and Two-Bit is addicted to beer.
   Everyone else started eating and talking while I was quiet and taking small bites of food and doing a little happy shake (I'm hoping that makes sense). Darry is a really good cook and this is when I realize that starving myself would be more difficult then I thought because I'm going to be surrounded by a lot of people that eat a lot and that pay attention to when everyone else in the group eat and I'm also going to be surrounded by really good food. I'm now looking forward to this less and less by the minute.
  I ignore those thoughts and continue to eat but a little faster and start to listen to the conversation(s). Soda and Steve were having side conversations about cars, Sandy, and Evie. Johnny, Pony, and Dally were having side conversations about the movie later, smoking, and a bunch of stuff like that. Lastly Darry and Two-Bit were having side conversations about a mixture of things.
   There were sometimes group conversation but they wouldn't last for too long. During this I was still quiet. All the people I felt like talking to were across the table or far away. I would talk to Steve and Two-Bit but I didn't really feel like talking to Steve about cars and Evie or joking with Two-Bit. 
  I felt out of place and in the way all day. I wasn't or atleast I wasn't to my knowledge. I haven't been sure about anything today. I've just been feeling weird but I blamed it all on the starvation. It would get better the longer it goes on for. Right? 
  Everyone started to get up and leave the table because they were done but I had only eaten half of a piece of chicken. I decided to put the other piece with the left-overs, put my plate in the sink, and then take my half eaten chicken piece to the living room where I sat back down on the floor at the edge of the couch where I finishes eating the piece of chicken and watched Mickey until we went to the Drive-in.

Words: 1,174

(A/N- I'm sorry if this chapter is kinda short I lost motivation but tried to end it so it didn't feel rushed >.<. I just wanted to say thank you everyone for 148 reads!! I'm debating if I should title the chapters or just use numbers, I might do a mixture of both if I can't think of a title. Anyways I'm gonna leave this A/N short so don't forget to eat plenty of food and stay hydrated!!)

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