Boyfriend Troubles-16

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      When Pony and Johnny got there, we started walking home. This time I was actually walking at their pace instead of behind them, but I didn't really talk since I didn't have anything to say. In case anyone was wondering I haven't always been quiet like this. When I was younger all I ever did was talk about anything and everything. Everything that I ever thought about I said. Thinking about how much I've changed is kinda scary but that's just a part of growing up I guess. I mean I never wanted to be quiet. There a ton of things I wanna say but ever since my school friends told me how annoying my high pitched voice is I just stopped talking as much.

     While we were walking I heard my name. "Hey Ange you don't talk a lot anymore. Anything up?" Pony asked. I shake my head. "Not really, what about you?" I say.

    "No no this conversation is about you." He says with a confident smile. "What'd you do today at school?" He asks again.

   "I learned." I say looking at the sidewalk and kicking some rocks. Pony sends me a glare while Johnny lightly laughs.

    "Not what I meant." Pony rolls his eyes. "For real though what'd you do today?"

     "I learned and hung out with my friends. There's really nothing that interesting happened I swear." Pony nodded.

    "Well what do you wanna talk about because I haven't had a conversation with ya in forever."

     "There isn't really anything to talk about though."

     "Sure there is! Ya got your eye on someone?" When Pony said that I could feel my face go red and I stayed quiet. "Wait really?!?!" Pony stopped walking. "Who is it???" He asked excitedly. Even Johnny was invested in this.

   "Y'all can't tell anyone. Swear." They nodded and we all pinky promised. "So...I have a boyfriend and his name is Finn."

    "Tell us more about him." Pony says.

    "I mean we've been dating for 4 months and it's pretty ok."

     "Just ok? Does he hit ya?" Johnny asked. (I know he wouldn't really say this but neither would Pony and I needed someone to say this)

    "I mean not normally. I mean he does sometimes but it's playful ya know?" 

     "That shouldn't be normal or playful. If he ever does it again just tell us and we'll make sure he never does again." Pony says. I nod not wanting this to continue, luckily we were already and the gate in front of the house. I quickly run into the house and sit on the living room floor and start to watch tv.

    Inside with me are Two-Bit, Johnny, and Pony. While watching tv my mind starts to wonder to a conversation I had with Charlotte a few weeks ago. It was when our boyfriends were doing something and me and Charlotte were left alone to talk. During that conversation Charlotte told me how she was starting to hate Finn because of how clingly he was becoming and how he kept flirting with all of the girls he knew. I didn't really notice all of this until after Charlotte said it. These comments made me realize how much he flirts with his girl friends and how uncomfortable that made me.

    I would've gone to Finn but I didn't want to seem like that insecure girlfriend but one day I had to and I confronted him about it. He started to get all defensive and said that it was just his personality which I get because of my personality it causes me to accidentally flirt with literally everyone I know. But at least if I got confronted about it I wouldn't get defensive and I would try to change.

     After that conversation I decided that something was going on and I had to figure out what it was and fast. I love Finn, I really do with all of my heart but this was just plain and simply too much. I didn't want to feel this way but in all honesty it made me insecure how much he flirted with every girl that was on the face of this Earth. After our conversation I decided before I didn't something I needed some time to think of how I would do this. When I got home Soda was already there since he got off of work early that day.
     "Hey Soda? " I asked.
     "What's up gelly? " he replied using the nickname he had made for me when we were kids.
     "In theory, what does it mean if a guy is dating some girl but is still flirting with every girl to exist? "
     "Well, it depends on the guy but it generally means that they're bored and want more but don't know how to ask their girl for it. "
     "Oh." I sighed suddenly finding my shoes quite interesting.
     "Why? What's up gelly? " he asks face full of concern.
     "Nothin just a... friend wonderin. " I shrug.
     "If that's what you say." He shrugged, "I know that's not what's really going on but I won't push it. I'm always here to talk if you need anything. "
     "Thank you Soda" I smile and hug him, "you're the best big brother ever I love you so so so so so much"
     He smiled one of his famous movie star smiles and hugged me back.
     "I'm making dinner tonight since Darry will be home late tonight so whatddya want? " he asked while letting go of the hug.
     "Ummmm.... I'm not hungry I ate a lot at lunch and plus I've gotta study for this um.. uh math test tomorrow.. Yeah a math test. I heard it's gonna be real hard so I better get to studying" I gave an awkward smile and thumbs up while rushing upstairs to my room. Soda didn't question it and he started making something that smelled like spaghetti but looked like chunky alien snot.

Words- 1,076

(A/N- I'm not sure how any people read these little notes but I am SO sorry for how long this took I got caught up with high school which is crazy to think about. BUT it's almost summer break (like 7 more school days!!!) So I'll be able to update more for you all!!! Especially since I've been feeling more motivated in writing recently. ANYWAYSSS don't forget to eat plenty and a drink lots of water to stay hydrated!!! Love ya! <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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