Last Interaction-5

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***!!!TW- Fat Shaming, Getting asked out as a prank!!!***


When I woke up the only thing I could think of was seeing Debbie, Nancy, and Barbara. I couldn't face them especially Debbie but I need to know why she said that. I can only hope that it was so she could look cool infront of the other two girls. Pushing those thoughts into the back of my head I got dressed for school, wiped the small sweat drops off of my forehead, took a few breaths, then went downstairs.
"Mornin' Ange. Want some breakfast?" Asked Darry when I stepped into the kitchen.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry." I replied. He shrugged and continued to make breakfast for Pony, Soda, and himself while I went to the living room and turned on the tv. 
After a few minutes Two-Bit, Steve, and Johnny walked in. Two-Bit and Steve headed to the kitchen for cake while Johnny sat down quietly and started to watch tv while he was waiting for Pony to come downstairs so they could walk to school. Two-Bit came back with cake, took the tv remote and turned it to Mickey-Mouse right as Pony walked downstairs and Soda opened the bathroom door in only a towel. Steve went and offered Soda some cake but he declined and asked Darry where his clothes were.
(A/N I would've added the quote but I can't remember it :( and also it won't say the quote when I google for it)
Around 15 minutes later Darry said it was time to go to school and work so Soda, Steve, and Darry all went in the truck to work while Me, Johnny, and Pony all walked to school. The two boys were both talking while I was quietly thinking how I should go about asking Debbie what she meant. 
"Angela! Hello Earth to Angela??" Pony said while Johnny was waving his hand infront of my face  snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? What? What is it?" I asked confused
"We're at the Middle School so you have to go." Said Pony
"Oh ok bye have fun at school." I said while giving them both hugs. I give the gang hugs all the time because I adore giving people hugs. I give all my friends hugs too even if I somehow managed to befriend them in a day. Anyways I walked into school and the first person I saw was Debbie at her locker so I went up to her.(This is Angela speaking and this is Debbie speaking)
"Hey Debbie..Let me just get to the point, I was wondering why you blew up on me asking for food Friday?" I ask
Debbie whips her head around so fast I thought her neck was going to break. "I blew up on you because all you ever do is be quiet or eat. It's kind of annoying honestly. I didn't see it at first or get it when people called you the human food disposal but now I see it and get it. It's because all you do is eat like I've said and it makes you bigger. And I've thought about it and I don't want you as a friend anymore. It makes me look bad hanging out with a fat ass like you." And with that she slammed her locker door,  turned on her heels, and walked off.
There I was again frozen in shock but it didn't last too long because the bell rang for class. I just made it to English class by a hair. I decided not to think about what Debbie had said, I don't need her! Plus English class is my favorite and I'm not about to let her ruin it. I know that this happy attitude will be short lived. It'll probably only last until after school when I can actually think about it.
After English class I had math which is easy for me, then I had Music, Lunch, Art, Science, and then as soon as school started it ended. I went to my locker and while I was putting my books away and getting my backpack a soc that was Randy's younger brother, Liam(A/N I don't think he has a brother but oh well. Also this is Angela and this is Liam)
"Hey, you're kinda cute"
"Thank you?"
"Wanna go out with me? We could meet at the Dingo tonight at 6." He said smirking
"You're being dared to do this aren't you. Did Debbie send you?"
"Why would this be a dare? I actually like you. Also I don't even talk to Debbie. Anyways what do ya say?"
"Sure I guess?" I said honestly confused I've never been asked out before and Liam was kinda good looking I guess? This whole situation confuses me.
When I responded he started laughing and his friends came out from behind a corner laughing. I knew that I'd just made a horrible mistake.
"HAHAH YOU THINK THAT I'D ACTUALLY TAKE YOU ON A DATE FATTY AHAHA!!" He managed to say in between wheezes. Before anymore could be said I just ran out of the school feeling embarrassed. My face felt hot and when I saw Pony and Johnny I felt my face get even hotter because somehow that was possible?
"Hey- what happened?" Johnny asked looking worried.
"Nothing much, why?" I said lying through my teeth and I knew that him and Pony both knew I was by the way they exchanged looks.
"You're face is so red it's kind of funny." Pony replies giggling.
"Oh well um I almost fell down the stairs infront of the school?" I said trying to lie the best I could but instead of a statement my sentence came out more of a question.
"Uh-Huh, ok then." Pony said dragging the n.
"Let's go guys before something happens." Johnny said and with that we left for the house. The walk was just like this morning Johnny and Pony were walking slightly ahead talking while I was slightly behind them but instead of thinking about Debbie I was trying to focus on something other than her. I didn't want to come to terms with the fact that I had just lost my best friend that I've known for 7 years, more than half of my whole life! 
While we were walking I heard a car following us. I looked behind me and saw a red mustang with Bob, Randy, and Liam. Ugh. I got closer to Pony and Johnny and I quietly told them," Hey just so you know Bob's following us." Johnny takes a quick look behind us and then we all start walking faster. "HEY LOVE-GIRL HOW'S HEARTBREAK FEEL? ARE YOU SAD? HEY DON'T KEEP ON BUGGING HER OR SHE MIGHT CRY. HAHAH" I heard them yell. I was angry, not even close to sad I didn't care if I was dating Liam he meant nothing to me. In all honesty all he is to me is just an old crush. 
Pony grabbed my wrist and started walking faster until we were about a block away from out house. When he let go I was relieved but also worried if he was going to ask me about what the socs were talking about. I kept worrying until we got home. Pony told Johnny to hang out in the house for a bit. Pony then grabbed my wrist and walked me to the lot. (This is Angela and this is Pony)
"What were they talking about back there?"
"How would I know?"
"Because it's obvious they were talking to you."
"Well I don't know what they were talking about. I'm sorry to disappoint."
"Can you stop lying please? I know that you've been lying about things since the sleepover. What actually happened? You know you can tell me right? I won't tell anyone."
"It's not important. Also I know that you're trying to crack me like an egg but I won't budge! I'm not telling." I say while doing the zipping my lips, locking the lock, and throwing away the key motion
"You if you don't tell me when I'll tell Darry and Soda. I respect your privacy and all but whatever happened you're getting bullied because of it and I don't like it."
"Snitches get stitches. Anyways can we go home I'm tired?"
"Fine" He said messing up my hair and then started running towards the house indicating that we were now racing. Long story short he won the race by a long shot which is predictable because he's in track and I also don't do any sports. I HATE physical activity because it makes me sweat. 
We got home and Johnny and Pony did whatever they did downstairs with Two-Bit and Dally while I just stayed in my room deciding what to do with all my pictures of Debbie and me. I also spent plenty of time thinking of all of my good memories with her. All of that made me tired so I decided to take a nap.


(A/N Thank you so much everyone for 41 views!!!! I can't every begin with how grateful I am about that! I'm sorry if this seems sloppy I kept getting slight writers block and I got really tired while writing this >.< Anyways don't forget to stay hydrated and eat plenty!!)

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