The Sleepover-3

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***!!!Trigger warning body shaming!!!***


I walk into Debbie's house after waving to Darry who dropped me off. I look around and take in my surroundings. There are a lot of girls. Around four maybe (counting Debbie". I have always been shy around people I don't know and I don't know any of the girls besides Debbie
"Hey Angela!" Debbie said and waved me over to sit next to her. I sat next to her and she started to introduce me to everyone. 
"That's Connie," said Debbie pointing to a one of the girls with light brown hair. "that's Nancy," she said pointing to a girl with dark brown hair. "and that's Barbara." she said pointing to the last girl with ginger hair"
We all greeted each other and then started playing two truths one lie. I am having fun and it seems like everyone else is too. " This is the best first sleepover ever!" I thought while Debbie was taking her turn for the game.
"Ok umm so one I'm having fun at this sleepover, two I'm dating someone secret, and three I can't cook." says Debbie. "I think three is the lie!" Nancy and Barbara say in unison. "I think that two is the lie." I say being quite confident with my answer because I've been friends with Debbie for so long. "Oh well three's the lie. I thought you would've known that Angela since we've been friends for so long." said Debbie in a sort of passive aggressive way. "Oh sorry.." I say kind of confused and hurt but I brush it off as Debb not wanting to be embarrassed infront of Nancy and Barbara. 
"Let's talk about that boyfriend of yours Debb!!" Said Nancy enthusiastically. For hours all they were talking about was boys. I was kind of upset because I didn't have anything to say but I also didn't want to ruin the mood. I look at the time and I realize that it's 8:36 pm and I got here at 1:00-ish pm. My stomach started to growl.
" Hey it's starting to get late and I was kinda wondering about when we are going to eat." They all stop talking and look at me. "God Angela can you stop ruining the mood for once!? If you're hungry like always go and look for something." Debbie stops talking leaving me there frozen and confused. "But when you go don't eat too much because it'll make you fatter and I don't think that I could  hang out with a pig like that." 
The room went silent. I was sitting there in shock but so was Nancy and Barbara. They were all staring at me which I hated to much I wanted to be shallowed up right then and there. I felt betrayed and embarrassed. I got up and got all my things together and then I left. I was across town from my house and it was slightly raining. I found a pay phone, put some money in it, and then called my house.
As the phone was ringing tears threatened to fall down my face but I thought "I'm a greaser I have to be tough and this is a stupid thing to cry over anyways. I'm sure that Debbie was just stressed and meant nothing by it." I kept telling myself this until Dally picked up the phone 
***Dally talking is like this and this is Angela talking***
"Hello? Who is this?" he said tiredly.
"Hi, this is Angela. Can someone come and pick me up?" I say slightly sniffling
"Why? I thought you were at a sleepover tonight or something."
"I was but then I left so can someone come and pick me up? I'll meet them at the Dingo or something."
" Ok man I'll ask Darry to get you or something man."
"Ok thank you I'll be at the Dingo. Bye."
After I hung up I started walking to the Dingo and when I got there all I had to do then was wait for someone to come pick me up.

Words: 727
( A/N Thank you for everyone who has read this I am so overjoyed that people are reading this! Also I'm sorry hat this is a cliffhanger I had to quickly get off but I might update tomorrow I'm not sure yet. Anyways don't forget to stay hydrated and eat plenty of food!)

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