The Idea-6

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**!!TW- Starvation and self-doubting thoughts!!*

I woke up to someone lightly shaking me and saying," Angela, wake up. It's time for dinner." I tiredly looked around and realized that it was Soda waking me up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes a bit. "I'm not that hungry so I think I'll skip out on dinner tonight, thank you for asking though." I responded. "Ok, well if you get hungry come downstairs and eat." He said while getting up and walking towards my door and giving me one last look before heading downstairs. 
I was still in my room and it was after 11pm and dinner was ready at around 6:30pm I hadn't gone downstairs for food and I was hoping that nobody was worried and that they wouldn't catch onto me. I'm hoping this because I am starving myself, but I'm doing slowly. I decided that I'll eat normally and then every few days I'll start eating less. 
While I've been in my room I've been thinking a lot and wondering if this is even a good idea. I've been overwhelmingly thinking of different scenarios and all of the pros and cons that I could think of. I hope that nobody in the gang ever finds out about what Debbie had said to me and that we had a falling out. Now that I think about it, maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to throw away all the pictures of us in the kitchen garbage can ripped in half. I was starting to get really stressed by all of these thoughts I kept having and I just couldn't escape them. That's when I thankfully heard a knock on my door frame alerting me that somebody as there.
I looked up to see Johnny...? Confused was an understatement on how I felt just because nobody other than Pony, Soda, and Darry come to my room. (This is Angela talking and this is Johnny talking)
"Hey, I know that this is kinda weird but I just wanted to check on you because you haven't really been out of your room and you didn't eat anything. We're all sorta worried. Are you ok?"
"Oh, well I'm ok and I'm just not hungry."
"Ok, well you should eat tomorrow and hang out with us then too. Anyways I'm leaving so I also wanted to say bye because it would feel rude if I didn't."
"Thank you for telling me that you're leaving and I will eat and hang out with you all tomorrow I promise." I say while getting up and hugging him goodbye. For that first time that day I felt happy. After that I decided to go to sleep for tomorrow.


I woke up feeling refreshed. I loved waking up on Saturdays like these. The mornings were always calming, until the gang started waking up more. The more they woke up the rowdier they got. I looked at my wall clock and it read 9:45. I was content with that. As I was staring at the clock I feel into my imagination and a day dream. The day dream consisted of me still being friends with Debbie and us hanging out all the time. I got out of the day dream quickly and I thought," I need to stop thinking about Debbie. The more I think of her the more I get stuck on our relationship." I rolled my eyes out of annoyance and rolled onto my back. I quickly fell into another day dream with me and the gang hanging out. We were care free in the moment. We went to the drive-in and we were laughing, watching the movie, eating, talking, and just having fun. I smiled at the thought. 
After day dreaming a but longer I decided to stop, get out of bed, change, and then go downstairs for breakfast. I got downstairs and there was only Darry awake. He was making coffee and breakfast. "Mornin' kiddo." He said while I walked up to him. "Mornin'." I replied. "Can I help make breakfast?" I asked. "Of course." He said. So there we were making pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and chocolate cake. We were having little conversations here and there but a lot of the cooking time was spent in a comfortable silence. This tends to happen when you're the sibling that's the closest to Darry. You help him with things mostly in silence. I'm not complaining thought because most of the time I don't like to have conversations but especially with everything going on. I don't want to slip up and tell him anything about what's happening. 
(This is Angela talking and this is Darry talking.)
"Hey Darry?" I say while cooking the eggs
"Could we all go to the movies today maybe? I think it might be fun."
"Sure you're going to have to ask everyone if they want to though."
I was silent for a moment. "Could you ask them..?"
"I can but it's your idea so you should."
"Can you please ask them? If I ask them then it'll be awkward. Do you know how awkward I am??"
"Ask Pony if he'll ask them then. And I know that you're awkward if you talked to people other than me, Soda, and Pony then you would be less awkward."
I don't know what happened but in that moment I got so upset by those words. I know that I was being sensitive but I just felt so hurt by them. Darry wasn't trying to upset me, I know that but I just got upset. I felt stupid for feeling like that so I just ignored it and continued with the conversation I started hoping to end it soon.
"Ok, I'll just ask Pony to. Thanks for the idea." I say dryly.
"I didn't mean to upset you. You know that right?" He said stopping with the cake and turning towards me.
"Yeah I know." I say while also facing towards him.
"Good." He says and then pulls me into a hug
"How cute." We turn to see Soda and Pony standing to the door way to the kitchen. I stop hugging Darry and go to hug Soda and Pony. Both of them hugging me back like they do every morning.
"What did you want to ask me?" Pony asks me.
"Oh well I'm bored and today's nice so I wanted to know if you could ask everyone if they wanted to go to the drive-in, today, later..?" I reply so awkwardly that it makes me visibly cringe but my brothers all laugh a little.
"Sure I can! I've wanted to go there with everyone for a while so I'll ask them at breakfast." He said.
"Thank you!! Also just don't mention that this was my idea....please." I said, and to that he just smiled. 
We all put the food on the table, set up the table, and waited for the gang to arrive.

Words: 1205

(A/N I'm very sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I'm back! Also I can't believe that there's 112 views!! That is so crazy and I could never have thought that I'd get this many views so thank you to everyone that's read this I appreciate every one of you!! Anyways don't forget to eat plenty of food and stay hydrated!!!)

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