Drive-In -8

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  We got to the drive-in, snuck in under a fence, and then found enough seats for all of us. When we got comfortable the movie had just started. I was happy for the first time in forever. Soon after we got sat down Dallas started hitting on a girl with red hair in the row infront of us. While Dally was doing that Johnny said," I'm going to get a Coke. Anbody want anything?" In the end Two-Bit gave Johnny money so he could get all the boys and Coke, me a 7-Up, and everybody popcorn. Pony went with Johnny because there was no way that Johnny was carrying all of that. They got back soon after and then we started doing our things. Steve was talking to Soda, Pony was talking to Johnny, Dally and Two-Bit were harassing girls more than anything, I was watching the movie, and Darry was also watching the movie but he was also trying to make sure that we didn't do anything that would get us kicked out.
   I was watching the movie when I felt hands on my shoulders. I shrugged them off of my shoulders and turned around to see Curly. "What do you want?" I asked a little annoyed. "Nothin' just wanted to say hi to my favorite Curtis sister." He responded. This was weird of him to do since he was Pony's friend and not mine but I sorta brushed it off. "Do ya know where Pony is?" He asked. I looked at him like he was stupid and then pointed to the left of me where Pony was talking with Johnny while also watching the movie. "Thanks kid" He said, patted my shoulders, and then walked over to Pony. If I said that I wasn't confused then that would be a lie. I mean I know Curly and he knows me but he doesn't talk to me. I brushed it off and continued to watch the movie. (A/N for this scene I googled about Curly and I found out that he has a sister name Angela...oops) 
The movie ended and we started to head home. Before we left Darry decided that he would make dinner instead of us going out and that we would go out for dinner tomorrow night. While we were walking I was behind everyone else when I heard an engine that I knew all too well. I gave a quick glance behind me and I was a Blue mustang. I decided to poke Pony's arm to get his attention since I didn't feel like talking. He turned around to me with a questioning look and I gestured to behind me with my head. He looked at the mustang and told Darry. We decided to fast walk to get away but that ended up not working.
  "Hey greasers!" We heard a soc yell along with a glass beer bottle being thrown in our direction. Luckily it hit the ground just behind my feet and I only got a little cut on my calf but it was nothing to worry over. We started walking faster trying our best to ignore them but they got out of their car and started running towards us. We realized this and then started running. I'm not the fastest runner and I was behind the gang which wasn't good but Dally noticed me being slightly behind. He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me a little so I ran faster. The socs were throwing sticks and sometimes beer bottles at us but only the sticks would sometimes hit us.
   We were somehow outrunning the socs. Which is a very rare occurrence. I knew that this would cause trouble later and that if one or more of us got jumped then they would beat us up real bad. After what seemed like 20 minutes we had lost them and we had gotten back home. I was tired but then I felt sometime warm going down my leg. I remembered that I had gotten cut. I went to the bathroom so look at it. The cut wasn't that bad like I had thought. I cleaned it and put a band-aid on it.
   I told Darry that I was tired and I wasn't going to be having dinner. I went to my room, changed into my pajamas, and laid in my bed thinking about what had just happened. I was tired but I wasn't going to go to sleep right now. I had thought that if I was skinnier then maybe Dally wouldn't have had to drag me because of how slow I run. I felt bad for Dally doing this. I know that he was trying to make sure that I didn't get hurt but I still felt bad. I slowed him down. My thoughts then drifted to the fact that Darry would tell everyone that I was tired. I'm sure that they would think I'm fat. I sighed and rolled over. Tomorrow I was only going to eat one meal. It would probably be dinner since we're going our for dinner. 
   I slowly got lost in my thoughts which made me drift off to sleep. Sleep. I had just realized how much I appreciate the sleeping stage of the day. It's seemingly the most carefree state a person can be in.

Words: 941

(A/N I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter that the ones that I've recently written but I feel like this is a good place to leave if off. I want to say that you so much for 164 reads!!! Anyways don't forget to eat plenty and stay hydrated!!!)

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