The Sleepover Aftermath-4

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If anyone finds anything in this to be triggering please let me know I am still learning what to put for trigger warnings if that makes sense**

While I was waiting at the Dingo for someone to pick me up I was lost in emotion. I have never been this emotional before. All I could do was cry. The rain helped mask the fact that I was though. I decided to go inside for a bathroom break. While I was washing my hands I couldn't help but look in the mirror. I turned to the side and pulled up my shirt a bit to look at the stomach. I was disgusted. 
"Debbie was really right..I am a pig." I thought. I started at my figure for a few more minutes before I decided to go back outside. When I got outside I was met with some socs. I think one of their names was Bob I couldn't remember I was too upset to think straight. (This is Bob talking, This is Angela, and this is Darry)
"What's a girl greaser like you doing out here all alone, huh?"
"I'm just waiting on my brother" I say quietly
"Really? Wait aren't you that Horse-boy's sister?"
"Yeah I am. Do you need something?"
"Don't get sassy with me kid. Do you know what I could do to you?" He yelled 
"What're you going to do to her, huh?" I ear a familiar voice say. I turn around and see Darry. Bob takes a look at Darry before scoffing and then heading back to his car that's filled with his friends. I was still slightly crying but like I said earlier the rain helped cover that up so Darry can't tell that I am atleast I hope that he doesn't know I am. 
"Let's get to the truck Ange." he said. I nodded and followed. Once we were in the truck he was studying my face. I was hoping that it wasn't red. 
"Are you ok? I thought that you wanted to go to the sleepover and Dal said that you sounded upset when you called."
"I'm ok I guess that I got a little bit home sick that's all." After I said that the car ride was quiet all the was home. I was convinced that he was suspicious of something . I keep replaying what I said in my head and I was convinced that it was the stupidest lie ever told in the history of lies. For the rest of the silent car ride I looked out of the window and every now and then I would look at Darry but every time he would be focused on the road.
When we got home I immediately went to my room not wanting to talk to anyone because I was convinced that someone would make me tell them what happened and I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want a big deal to be made out of this. I keep telling myself that Debbie was just stressed but I still don't know. She's been sort of mean to me lately. Maybe I'm just over-reacting, I probably am. I put all of my things up in my room where they go and I changed. I go bored quickly in my room. I never stay in my room normally. I'm usually downstairs with the gang watching Mickey-Mouse or out of the house, NEVER am I cooped up in my room. I decided that if I wanted to seem as normal as possible then I'd have to go downstairs and face them.
Before I went downstairs I came up with a plan just incase they were going to ask me about the sleepover. And you may be wondering," Angela what is this master plan of yours?" Well it seriously was to just ignore the question or smoothly change to topic. Once I had completed this amazing-never-before-thought-of-plan I quietly opened my bedroom door and went downstairs. 
The whole gang was there. I got stressed and was about to abort the mission but then I heard Soda yell," Hey Ange! How was your sleepover? Man it seemed so short" He laughed the last sentence. "It was fine." I reply while going to sit down on the floor in my usual spot between Two-Bit and Pony. 
Me and Two-bit were watching Mickey-Mouse, Soda and Steve were playing poker, Dally was talking with Pony and Johnny, and Darry was just reading the paper occasionally looking at the tv. Though I soon found myself spacing out replaying Debbie's words in my head," God Angela can you stop ruining the mood for once!? If you're hungry like always go and look for something...But when you go don't eat too much because it'll make you fatter and I don't think that I could hang out with a pig like that." And then I start thinking about how I looked in that bathroom mirror. I look at all the boys in the house and I wonder why can't I look skinny and perfect like them? 
I suddenly get a wave of rage. Why was I invited to the sleepover if I was just going to get left out for the most part and get made fun of and get body shamed?? I'm guessing that my face started to look angry because Two-Bit snapped me out of my thoughts by whispering," Hey kid, you ok over there? You're looking awfully angry. Did something happen?" 
"Huh, oh yeah I'm ok and no, nothing happened. I was thinking about...something that happened a while ago at school...?" I replied unknowingly of what to say for the lie. I swear I am the absolute WORST at lying. 
"Uh-huh, ok well you have fun getting mad at that." He replied with a slight chuckle.

Words: 1,097

(A/N Oh my gosh this is my longest chapter so far but it's still kinda short. I'm also sorry for how short my chapters have been I will try to fix that in the future. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 34 VIEWS!!!!! I HONESTLY CAN NOT BE MORE HAPPY THAT PEOPLE ARE ATLEAST LOOKING AT WHAT I'M WRITING!!! Anyways I will try to update once a day but I'm not going to be promising this I'll honestly update whenever I feel like it because I don't want to get a writers block! I'm also thinking about doing a chapter with how Angela is normally around the gang if that makes sense but I'm not sure if I should. Someone please tell me if I should >.< Anyways don't forget to stay hydrated and eat plenty!!")

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