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It's been a week since summer break has started and I'm still grounded, which sucks, but Soda and Pony told me that they'd talk to Darry about ungrounding me since I beat Liam up for self-defense. It's a Saturday and I woke up at 6 am. I'm not sure why but I did and I couldn't go back to sleep. I started thinking because I think a LOT but especially when I wake up. I was thinking about the times with mom and dad when I remembered that I used to bake like atleast once a week and if I wasn't baking, eating, sleeping, or hanging out with the gang then I was thinking or begging to bake. I decided to get out of bed and brush my hair. I put my hair in a messy bun and then went downstairs. I had to try to be quiet because it was around 6:20-ish in the morning on a Saturday. My brothers are crazy (sometimes) but not crazy enough to be awake now.

I went to the kitchen and I washed my hands. I got out everything I needed to make a chocolate cake from scratch and pancakes. I like to make things from box mixes but from scratch makes it more special in my opinion. It shows the love that you have for people and it also allows you to brag. I started sifting all of the dry ingredients for the cake and then I mixed all of the wet ingredients. I got a whisk and I started slowly pouring the wet ingredients into the dry ones, stopping after I poured some of the wet ingredients and mixing it in before pouring more. After I mixed that all together I sprayed the pan I was using and I poured the batter into it. Then I tapped in on the counter a few times to get rid of any air bubbles then I put it in the over (I had already preheated it.) That whole process took about an hour so it was around 7:30. I decided to start making the cake frosting really quickly and I finished that at around 8. By the time the frosting was done so was to cake so I got it out of the oven and let it cool. 

I then started to make the pancakes. In the muddle of me flipping a pancake I hear someone coming down the stairs and I see Pony, Soda, and Darry all there looking tired. Pony ,who was wrapped in a blanket, asked, "What're you doing?"
"I'm making chocolate cake and pancakes. Why?" I replied.
"It's so early." Soda said
"When did you even wake up?" Darry asked.
"I woke up at like 6 and I couldn't go to sleep." I said and Darry looked at me in utter shock. I'm not a morning person at all. If someone wakes me up early I'm normally mad at them and glaring at them for a month. I went back to flipping pancakes while they all just watched. "I know I can be quite fascinating but can you all stop watching me please?" When I said that they stopped looking at me and they started setting the table and then went to the living room. 

The gang all came running and yelling into the house right as I finished the last pancake. I then started to frost the chocolate cake and then I hid it in the oven so Steve and Two-Bit wouldn't find it as fast. The smell of the cake was wafting throughout the house and I knew that they would start raiding the house just to find the cake. While I was making the pancakes I also started to make eggs and cook bacon just to busy myself. I had to be multi-tasking to the point it was overwhelming or I would feel useless. It isn't a good thing but oh well.

I walked out of the kitchen once I placed all of the food in the middle of the table and I went to the living room and laid on the floor face down. "Food's ready." I mumble out from the ground. 

"You ok little miss?" I hear Two-Bit say. I give him a thumbs up still face down and I hear everyone go to get food. I wasn't that hungry because I had made myself 2 small pancakes and I ate those with a little eggs and some bacon. While everyone was eating I got up and went to get some 7-Up. I swear that drink is the absolute best. I'm always drinking 7-Up or apple juice. My drink choice is like a toddlers. But apple juice is one of the best things ever so I'm not complaining. 
"Are you gonna eat An?" Johnny asks.
"I already had some, thank you though." I say while shaking my head and sitting down at the table with my 7-Up. Johnny nods and starts to eat again. I see everyone but Johnny and Darry practically inhaling their food. I decide to go to my room and read some. I'm not much of a reader like Pony but I do enjoy reading. I also like to play instruments. Especially the Ukulele, which is kinda random but I do enjoy it. I loom at my pink Ukulele that mom and dad got me for my birthday before they passed. I know how to play some songs but I haven't played it in a while. It's kind of embarrassing to in my opinion. The gang would all hear it if I played it which is not very ideal.

Words: 996

(A/N:  Y'all...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!! I ADORE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU SO MUCH IT'S UNREAL!! When I started this I didn't think that I could do it but thank you so much. Also thank you for 7 votes!!! This is so exciting I can't believe it thank you x1,000,000 <3 <3 I wanna also add sorry for ending this kind of abruptly it's kinda late and I don't want this to start spiraling >.< But don't forget to eat enough and stay hydrated!!!)

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