The Fight-10

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It was the last day of school and it's a half day. I'm kinda excited for summer break for the first time in my life. I'm normally not excited for summer break because I tend to get bored easily. I wake up when Darry hollers at me to from downstairs. I get dressed and I get my backpack and head downstairs. "Hey kiddo there's food for you on the table." Darry said when I walked into the living room. "Ok thank you but I don't think that I'm going to eat I get sick if I eat to early in the day." I replied. This time I wasn't lying. Ever since I've been eating less and less I've been getting sick if I eat to much, to early, or too late. He nods and then I walk out the front door and head to school.

I get to school and the same thing happens that's been happening for the past few days. I keep getting bullied and ganged up on, there's still posters around the school of me. I start regretting not skipping but then I remember that it's only a half day and nothing too bad can happen-or so I thought. 

I went to my locker and put my backpack in it. Right before I could get my hand out of my locker it started to slam shut. It didn't thought because if it did then I wouldn't have a hand. I opened to locker door while hissing in pain and then closed it (without my hand in it). I looked to see who did it and I saw Liam (In this story if you don't remember it's Randy's little brother). 

I glared at him. The stupid smirk on his face made me angrier than I was. I forgot about the pain in my wrist and grabbed a cup from someone's hand and I threw the water in the cup all over Liam. I then threw the cup at him too. His smirk got wiped off his face and then he slapped me. I'm not very strong but right then I felt like Paul Anderson (He was famous for being the strongest man in the 60s) so I punched him back. Soon enough people were gathered around us and yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!". We started fighting for I don't know how long but in the end 4 teachers had to pull us apart and they took us to the principal's office.

While we were waiting to see the principal I couldn't stop thinking about how I probably did every greaser in. It wasn't everyday that a greaser girl beat up a greaser boy, especially in the 7th grade. I was worried that we would all get beat up more because I couldn't control my sudden anger, but in my defense he started it.

Soon we were called into the office and I secretly knew that I would be getting in trouble since I was a greaser but it's atleast try to prove my innocence. One thing about is that I'm a great debater so maybe it wouldn't be all that difficult. (This is Angela, This is Liam, and This is the principal)

"So, I heard that you both were fighting in the halls? It's the last day of school, it's not even a full day what were you both thinking?!?!" The principal questioned.

"In my defense he attacked me first! I was putting my bag in my locker and he slammed my locker door on my wrist!" I argued

"What a liar you are Angela! You threw water on me and then you threw a cup at me!" Liam said.

"Stop fighting. Adderson, what happened?"

"I was going to my class and then Angela here threw water and a cup at me like I said! Then she started beating me up" A bruise started to form at his jaw and his eye.

I wanted to say something but the principal saw me about to speak so he glared at me.

"Ok now Curtis what happened?"

I sighed," I went to my locker to put my bag away and when I was about to close my locker door; with my hand still in my locker he slammed it closed. Since he did that I thought to get even with him I would throw water on him. Water dried quickly and it didn't hurt him. Then he slapped me so I hit him back. and we started fighting." 

" So you're admitting to attacking me. See I told you I'm the victim here!"

I rolled my eyes.

"You know what you're both being sent home early I'll call you guardians."

And that was that. We were still in the office, our guardians on their way. I was giving Liam glares and he was glaring at me too. "Stop glaring! Good God!" Yelled the principal.

About 20 minutes later Liam's mom and Darry were there. Liam's mom standing behind him and Darry standing behind me. At this point Liam had nasty looking bruises on his jaw and eyes while my wrist and cheek were swelling and bruising. I had a few other bruises and so did Liam. I was honestly getting scared at the principal and our respective guardians were talking right outside of the office. 

Me and Liam started bickering but that was soon ended when when the three adults walked in. "I'm so sorry for Angela's behavior. It will never happen again sir." Darry said while grabbing my hurt wrist and dragging me to the car. (Angela got her bag before she got taken to the principal's office.)

"What the hell were you thinking?!?! Beating up at kid?? I can't believe you Angela Curtis! All you had to do was go to school for a few hours and then go home! Simple! But no you had to beat up a kid!" Darry yelled at me while driving us home. I looked at my lap cradling my hurt wrist. The rest of the car ride I was lectured by Darry. When we got home I was hurt, embarrassed, and upset because it seemed like nobody took my side.

We walked up the front stairs. I was following behind Darry while he was stomping up the stairs. He stomped in to house and slammed the door behind us. "Go to your room! You're grounded until I unground you!" Darry yelled one last time while I ran upstairs. I was already embarrassed but when I thought back in my head I realized that the whole gang was there and witnessed that. I shrunk into my bed in embarrassment. 

Once I finally decided to not be embarrassed after a few hours I decided to wrap up my wrist. I always kept a first aid wrap in my closet so I got it out and began to wrap up my wrist. It was excruciating pain but I had to do it so it wouldn't be all that messed up. After I did that I decided to pass time by going to sleep. This way I won't be hungry nor would I be bored. Win, Win. I laid down and went to sleep thinking about what a "great" start to my summer break this is. 

Words- 1,269

(A/N- Let me just say I got so excited while writing this chapter I really enjoyed it. Also I'm very sorry for not posting in a while >.< I had this one basically finished for so long but atleast now it's officially done and posted! Anyways I'll keep this short. So that you so much for 370+ reads/ views! That's so insane! Anyways don't forget to stay hydrated and eat enough food!)

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