Walking into the woods to meet Eddie Chrissy is easily scared by every little noise. Not because she is about to buy drugs off him but because she has been seeing things. Things that nobody else has seen. Its making her feel jumpy and crazy. She walks a little further and finds the picnic table they are supposed to meet at but before she can sit down she sees a grandfather clock which seems to be growing in a tree. This is a common thing for her to see. Slowly she begins to freak out more and more not knowing why is seeing this. As she begins to frantically back away from the tree with the clock in it she bumps into Eddie Munson.

Eddie is the creator of the schools D&D club. He is a kind of rebellious bad boy with long curly dark brown hair and tattoos. He wears many rings and a thick watch.

"Woah, hay." He says once Chrissy backs up into him. This causes her to jump and turn to look at him. She lets out a small squeal in fear before he continues talking and says "Sorry didn't mean to scare you, you okay?"

She turns to look back at the tree knowing it was just her who seen the clock in it. They sit down at the picnic table where Eddie pulls out a tin lunch box that almost looks like a small tool box.

"How is this going to work?"

"Well, it's just like any other sale. Just cash only and for obvious reasons no receipts."

He pulls out a bag of weed and offers her a deal. She is still on edge which leads him to think it is because of the deal that they are making.

"Look, we don't need to do this. Just give me the word and I'll just walk away." He says closing the box and moving it to the side.

"No its not that I don't want it. Its just" she pauses for a moment "do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?"

"You know, just on a daily basis. I mean I feel like I'm losing my mind right now doing a drug deal with Chrissy Cunningham the queen of Hawkins High." He somewhat sarcastically says.

"This actually isn't the first time we've hung out." He says earning a confused look from Chrissy. "You don't remember?" He asks

"No." She simply reply's.

He dramatically acts as though he was being stabbed and falls to the ground, "I wouldn't remember me either Chrissy." This gets a small laugh out of her and allows her to loosen up a little. He continues to say "Middle school, talent show, you were doing this cheer thing it was actually pretty cool." He then motions as though he is cheering. "And... I was with my band."

"Corroded Coffin." She excitedly says memories coming back to her.

"Corroded coffin, yes." He says clapping his hands together. "You do remember!" He says pointing at her.

"Oh my god yes, with a name like that how could I forget. You looked so different back then."

"Yeah well my hair was buzzed and I didn't have these sweet ol' tatties yet." He says pulling his shirt down to show one of them.

"You played guitar right?"

"Still do, still do. You should come see us sometime. We play the hideout on Tuesday, we actually get a crowd if about five drunks." He says causing her to laugh again.

"You know what, you're not what I thought you'd be like."

"Mean and scary?" He asks taking a pice of his hair and putting it in front of his face to act shy.

"Yeah." She replies slightly laughing.

He then sits back down at the table and pulls his tin box back out. "So we gonna do this or not. And good news flattery works with me so...twenty five percent discount." He says putting the bag of weed back on the table.

"Do you have anything maybe stronger?" She asks.

"Not on me. We'll have to go to my place to get it."

"Okay well I have to go to a basketball game after school so..." she pauses.

"I have a D&D campaign after school too they should end at about the same time so you meet me at my van we'll go to get my place and then I'll take you home."

"Okay sounds good." She replies before they go their separate ways.

Later that night after the game and the campaign they meet back up at Eddies van. As Chrissy approaches the van she sees Eddie sitting inside waiting on her. She climbs in the passenger side door and they are off. They arrive at his house where they both climb out of the truck and go inside.

"So this is where you live huh?" Chrissy says.

"Yep. Home sweet home." He says motioning around the trailer. Sorry its such a mess, maids haven't come in awhile." He jokingly says picking up a few empty cans and throwing them away before he makes his way back into his room looking for the drugs for her.

"Found them!" He says after digging in a small bin that was under the sink.

He walks back out to where Chrissy was in the living room to see her floating with her eyes rolled back in her head.

"Chrissy wake up. Hay hello?" He says snapping his fingers and waving his hand in front of her face. "Wake up Chrissy. CHRISSY WAKE UP. I DONT LIKE THIS CHRISSY WAKE UP." He says his voice growing louder.

Somehow she was able to hear him yelling. She was able to hear the growing fear and concern in his voice and was able to snap out of whatever was going on with her. For the first time in a long time she had felt safe but she didn't know why. Once she came out of the trance thing that she was in her body fell from its floating position and into Eddies arms. He wrapped are tight thankful that she was okay.

Their moment however was cut short when they heard sirens and seen blue lights coming through the curtains.

"Quick out the back." He says grabbing her hand and leading her out the back door.

Always and Forever •Eddie and ChrissyWhere stories live. Discover now