"Okay what is she doing here?" Max asked more confused then ever.

"Well she was with me when the cops showed up to my place to try to catch me on drug charges and then refused to leave me once we got here." He explains.

"Those drug charges are the least of your problems right now. That Fred kid that Nancy is friends with was found dead in your yard last night and they are blaming you for it because he was in YOUR yard." Robin says causing Eddie to freak out even more. He can feel his heart start to race and his hands become sweaty.

"What was he even doing in my yard? I don't even know the nerd." Eddie replies.

"I might know." Nancy says in a low hushed mumble under her voice.

"What was that?" Eddie asks.

"I might know." She repeats herself but louder this time. "We were talking about doing a story for the Hawkins post about drug use in Hawkins. I didn't know he'd go to your place on his own though espies without telling me he was even thinking about it. I really don't know what he was thinking Eddie."

"Ahh great. So y'alls stupid ass paper has me wanted for a murder I didn't commit. This is great." Eddie says throwing his hands up in a defensive motion and then bringing them down to rub his face. "Fuck." He groans into the palms of his hands.

Everyone is silent for a moment till Chrissy speaks up. "How did he die?" She asks.

"His bones were all broke and shit, like there is no way a normal person could have done that." Steve says. "At least not by hand." He adds on.

"Do the cops just not see that it was physically impossible or what?" Chrissy asks.

"I don't know." Steve almost whispers as he rubs his face. "I really don't know."

"They are looking for an easy out. A person to blame who's reputation won't be harmed in the process. Because you know half the people in damn town and 'do no wrong'." Robin says, she deepens her voice on the last few words in a mocking tone to make fun of all the people in Hawkins. They all just slightly nod their heads in agreement knowing she is right. Her eyes then shoot over to Chrissy who was awkwardly sitting there knowing that her family was one that could 'do no wrong' according to Robin.

"Oh, oh no I didn't mean you Chrissy." She says  realizing that Chrissy might not be the same as her family. She was with Eddie and refusing to leave him after all.

"No, you're right, whail that might not directly be me that is my family. They have this pristine reputation that drives me insane." She replies knowing that her family is one of the golden families of Hawkins. "Trust me when I say that is all just a fount though. Nothing about my family is even remotely perfect."

"I mean all those families who try to act perfect aren't. Its an act for all of them." Steve says knowing his family is also seen the same as Chrissy's.

"No shit. They are the textbook definition of trying to hard. I swear like half those families have more issues that us 'regular' people." Eddie chimes in. "No offense." He adds on gesturing towers Chrissy with his hand that was covered in shiny and slightly bulky silver rings.

Suddenly his face turns white as though he had seen a ghost or something.

"Hay, hay what's wrong Eddie?" Dustin asks.

"I think I might have seen at least part of what happened." He says.

"Okay, tell us." Robin says.

"You won't believe me." He simply says sniffing as though he had been crying.

"Try us." Max says.

"Yeah we've been through this a couple times. Well me only once but them a few times." Robin says.

"Well you see I was going to try to see if the cops were gone so I could get some food for me and Chrissy to eat because everything here is expired by at least a year when I seen someone floating. And like it looked like their bones were being snapped and shit but I thought i was just going crazy. And I uhh, I didn't know what to do so I ran away. I left him there. You all think I'm crazy right?" He says before placing his hand on the top part of the bridge of his nose.

"No we don't think you're crazy at all." Dustin says.


"We're not bullshitting you." Max says in a soft voice.

"We believe you." Robin adds in.

"Look want I'm about to tell you might be a little difficult to take alright?" Dustin says. Eddie just nods in gesturing that he understood. "You know how people say Hawkins is cursed?" He continues. "Well they aren't exactly wrong, there is this darker version of Hawkins under us and it bleeds into our world." He explains

"I guess that is the only explainable reason as to how he could have lifted up and had his bones snapped like that." Eddie says.

Everyone is silent for a moment before Steve says, "Look man you stay here and we'll be back with food in a couple hours. Chrissy you can join us or stay here with Eddie it's completely up to you."

"I'll stay here with him. Its not fair for him to be here all alone." She replies.

"Heres my walkie talkie, if y'all need anything or if anything happens we are the click of a button away." Dustin says hanging Eddie his walkie talkie.

"We'll be back as soon as we possibly can, try not to get into any more trouble." Robin says following Steve and Max out the door, shortly after Dustin following her.

"So...what are we gonna do now?" Chrissy asks looking into Eddies eyes giving him the same feeling as before.

what are we gonna do now?" Chrissy asks looking into Eddies eyes giving him the same feeling as before

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AN: Omg thank you guys so much for 100+ reads. That means so much to me! And thank you so much to those who have commented or voted. I really do appreciate it more than you'll ever know. And hopefully I'll have another chapter up before long!

Oh and one last thing i will reply to any comments or dms, so if you have any questions feel free to ask or just say anything and I'll respond once i see them!!

Always and Forever •Eddie and ChrissyWhere stories live. Discover now