Eddie has still yet to figure out what the feeling was or why Chrissy of all people made him feel it. How come no other girls have ever made me feel this way? He thinks to himself as he feels his cheeks turn warm and be begins to blush.

"Why are you blushing Munson?" Chrissy asks with a slight giggle.

"I....don't know."

"You aren't falling for me are you?" She jokingly asks.

"I don't know, only one way to find out." He says just before leaning in and planting a kiss on her lips before pulling away and saying, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry I never should have done that. I mean you just got out a relationship and you probably don't even like me like that. I mean why would you like me like that I'm a freak and your..." she leans in and kisses him again which causes him to say "perfect." Into the kiss.

"What was that last part Munson? Couldn't quite hear you." She says giggling.

"Perfect, you are perfect." He says blushing hard. However his words cause her to blush herd as well.

"I'm far from perfect." She replies.

He reaches over and brushes a stray pice of hair that had fallen out of her high ponytail behind her ear. She places her hand on his cheek lovingly and stares into his eyes, this time feeling the same feeling Eddie had felt. Their hearts racing and breathing getting heavier. The morning sun shining in making this moment feel like one from a movie or tv show.

Off in the distance they hear a car pulling up which quickly interrupts their sweet and intimate moment.

"Shit, shit, shit." Eddie says throwing  the tarp up and then picking Chrissy up and placing her in the plastic boat again before placing the tarp over her gently and rushing over to the window to look out. By this time he was too late to see anything and was startled by Dustin and the others walking in.

"Delivery service!" Dustin says with a big smile plastered across his face. Eddie grabs ahold the fabric on the chest of his shirt and his breathing can be heard from a mile away.

"Jesus Christ man, you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry bro, didn't realize you'd be so jumpy."

"Oh yeah because being on the run from the cops is such a relaxing thing." Eddie yells.

"Hay, I said i was sorry man."

"Anyway take your damn food." Steve says shoving the bag that was in his hand into Eddies chest.

"Oh there is also a deck of cards and a couple bored games in one of the bags so y'all aren't just sitting here bored out your minds.

"Hear that, we don't have to be bored anymore Chrissy." Eddie says turning around and uncovering Chrissy. The first thing she sees when the blue tarp is lifted off her face is Eddie slightly smirking at her before him and Steve give her a hand out of the canoe.

'This boy needs to stop making it seem like we did more than just make out.' Chrissy thinks to herself.

"I mean with all that's going on with these murders we have plenty to talk about that would keep us from being bored, but the games will be a nice distraction." She says. "And thanks for the help out boys." She says smiling at Steve and Eddie.

Eddie just shoots her a cheesy smile.

"Is it me or are they being really flirty?" Dustin whispers to Steve.

"You see it too?" Steve questions back.

"What happened between them in the short amount of time we were gone?"

"Hay, you too care to stop gossiping about us and join the conversation about how we're gonna kill Vecna?"

This startles Steve and Dustin a little but just enough to jump ever so slightly.

"Look what going on between you too, everyone can see it." Dustin says.

"Nothing, we are just becoming good friends. I mean might as well become friends with the person who is refusing to leave my side." Eddie kinda harshly replies.

"If you say so." Steve replies.

Before they knew it Nancy had walked over to them, " I've got an idea. It might be a little out there but its at least worth a shot considering all things." She says before walking out the door with everyone except Chrissy and Eddie following.

"So... we gonna talk about what happened before they showed up or just eat something and play a game?" Eddie asks.

"I'm not really hungry, but you go ahead and eat and then we can go from there."

"Chrissy we haven't eaten anything in nearly TWO days so don't tell me you aren't hungry because I won't believe that bullshit for one minute."

"I don't eat a lot Eddie."

"Regardless of how much you eat you're still gonna get hungry after two days of not eating."

"And so what is I am? What if I don't wanna eat because that easier than forcing myself to throw up every time I eat something."

His face softens, "Chrissy niter of those things are healthy."

"Don't you think I know that shit Eddie. But its wired into me that thats what I have to do."

He wraps his arms around her before saying "I'll help you through this, I'll be there for you and we'll get you healthy together." He rubs her back up and down. A fee tears escape her eyes and Eddie sees this when he looks down at her so he wipes them away. He then tightens his arms around her and rests his chin on the top of her head.

"Now common you don't have to eat a lot but you need to to eat at least a little something to keep your strength up." He says pulling away from the hug and looking into her eyes.

"Okay." She simply replies knowing that trying to argue with him will do her no good.

AN: Thank you guys so much for the positive feedback on my last chapters! It means so much to me

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AN: Thank you guys so much for the positive feedback on my last chapters! It means so much to me. Also how tf did my story go from just over 200 views/reads to being 5 short of 300 in less than a week.

It truly does blow my mind to think that so many people are reading my story. And it warms my heart to know that at least some of those readers are enjoying it.

If you have any questions or feedback feel free to comment or message me with it and I'll reply once i see it! (Also if you vote or comment it does really help me to 1 know if you like it and 2 reach more people) Anyway love ya and thanks for reading! (If you are reading this you are definitely mvp lol🫶🏻)

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