"Okay what's wrong Chrissy?"

"It's Jason." She simply replies with her eyes getting watery, tears threatening to leave them.

"Did he say or do something to you?"

"No, I just." She pauses for a split second. "I over heard him and his d-bag basketball friends talking and well not only are they convinced that you did in fact commit the murder but they also think that I helped you." She continues.

"What?!?! That's absolutely insane. Anyone who knows you knows how kind you are and knows you would never hurt a fly much less kill someone!" He says getting a little worked up.

"Right! Apparently there is some sort of a cash prize for whoever can find you or something like that." She tells him.

"Okay start from the beginning and tell me exactly what happened." Eddie says trying to get a better idea of what was happening.

And so she did, she started from the beginning. She explained how she'd seen him and ducked behind the car where she'd hid and over heard his conversation. Where she decided that she too could no longer go into town as it would be just a risky as if Eddie would. Where she realized that even though she had dating Jason for three years he really didn't know her at all.

As she is finishing the story she only then realizes that she may have been seen and followed.

"FUCK!" She says again. This cussing thing was beginning to seem like a regular thing for her.

"What is it?" Eddie says bow a little worried.

"I tried my best to not be seen you know that right?" She asks him.

"Yeah of course." He replies.

"Well I kinda got lost in my thoughts on the way here and forgot about that weird spot where the trees clear out a little bit." She hesitantly says.

"I'm sure nobody seen you sweetheart. Its such a small area and nobody ever really goes there unless they are meeting someone for a hook up or drug deal." He says.

"Yeah your right, in sure it's fine and nobody seem me."

'Did he just call me sweetheart?' She thinks to herself.

"Lets just play some card games or something and wait to see if we hear anything from Henderson." He suggested pointing to the walkie talkie.

"Yeah, that sounds like a really good plan."

They play games for about three hours before they realize that it has gotten pretty late.

Chrissy yawns and stretches. "Ready to be my pillow Munson?" She teases.

"Anything for you Darling." He says.

"Darling?" She questions him.

"Shit, sorry it kinda just slipped out. I won't let it happen again. He says his face going from pale as a ghost to red as a tomato in seconds as he realizes what he'd called her.

"No I thought it was cute. I like it i just wasn't expecting it." She explains now turning a little red herself.

As the redness leaves his face and it returns to its original color he says, "well in the case climb in darling." He says winking her.

"I wanna change into something other than these tight ass jeans." She says motioning towards the bag of clothes and other this she had gotten when she went to her house earlier.

"Oh so you get to change your clothes but I'm stuck in the same shit I've had on for a week." He teases her again.

"Sorry Ed's but I didn't realize have time to stop by your place and get you anything. Maybe you could see if Dustin or Steve or one of them could bring you a change of clothes." Chrissy replies digging through her bag for a pair of baggy sweatpants she knew she put in there.

"True, I'll ask them tomorrow. I'm still not sure how I feel about Steve though. I mean he was Mr. Popular, he was nicknamed 'The King' for crying out loud." Eddie says.

"He's actually not a bad guy." Chrissy says in response. Which causes a confused look to cross over Eddies face. After a few moments of silence she turns around to see Eddie and the confused expression he still had.

"He was on the basketball team, basketball players and cheerleaders spend a lot of time together. He graduated last year and we are graduating this year which means I had to spend three years with him at games and practice and things like that." She explains.

The confused express quickly faded off his face once he realized that stupid sports were the only way she knew him.

"Oh, that makes sense. I never really seen y'all hanging out or anything in like the cafeteria or anything so I was a little confused. Not that its really any of my business." He explains himself even though he really didn't have to.

"Yeah." She responds as she goes back to searching through her bag.

"Finally!" She says in a somewhat loud voice once she finds her pants at last.

"Now close your eyes or something."

"What scared I'm going to see you in your panties Cunningham?" Eddie jokes.

"Shut up and close your eyes Munson." She says.

"You think I haven't seen a girl in her underwear before huh?" He says in a suggestive tone.

"You are disgusting." She simply replies. She secretly wants him to sneak a peak but she is also too insecure to allow him look.

"Whatever, now hurry up and change so we can go to sleep." He says.

With her back still to Eddie she takes her shoes off and then her pants. Once they are all the way off Eddie says "Damn Cunningham you look good as hell." He is just joking but this catches her off guard. He first reaction is to yank her shirt down over her exposed lower half as tears start to roll down her face. She collapses to the floor not knowing how to feel.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asks, his words dripping with concern for her.

A/n: I want to say thanks you so much to everyone who has been reading this story

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A/n: I want to say thanks you so much to everyone who has been reading this story. It just reached over 800 reads which blows my mind as I never expected it to go anywhere and was kinda just doing it because me and one of my friends were talking about Eddie and Chrissy getting more time together. Regardless i am so thankful for all the reads and love and support. It means so much more than you realize.

Sorry for the late night upload, I've been really busy as last week was my first week back in school and my birthday was last Tuesday. Im going to try to get better with writing a little bit each day so I don't have to post this late again but no promises. I'm really trying to stick to this new posting schedule but i might slip up and not post a few time. Hope you can forgive me.

Another thing is thank you all so much for the votes and positive comments. They mean so much and i can't thank y'all enough. You all mean so much to me and i love y'all so much. I think that is all for this week, if you are reading this comment a "💜" so i know you really read to the end lol. However if you didn't get this far i get it this is a long author notes section. Anyway love you bye🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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