She gently puts her hands in his long curly now tangled hair playing with it and twisting it slightly, running her fingers through it to take out some of the tangles. He rests his head on her stomach and gently lays his arm across it hugging into her body.

"Hay Chrissy?"

"Yeahs Ed's?"

"Can we make a promise to each other that no matter what happens we'll remain to be at least friends because you are way cooler than I thought you'd be and I'd hate to lose you because we go back to school and get caught up in our different worlds."

"Always." And simply replies.

"And forever?" He somewhat jokingly asks.

"Always and forever Eddie." She says smiling. "Always and forever." She says again under her breath."

He cuddles into her torso a little tighter and she continues to play with his hair till they both drift off to sleep.

They are both awakened by the bright morning sun shining in. Eddie still with his head looks up at Chrissy's face. She shoots him a smile before saying, "finally. It felt like you were never going to wake up."

"Oh come on it only," he pauses to look at his watch. "Nine thirty. Wow thats the best I've slept all week."

"Probably because you were using me as a pillow all night." She teases.

"Well you are quite a comfortable pillow Cunningham." He teases back as he lifts himself up and swings his legs over the side of the plastic boat.

"Tonight I get to use you as a pillow Munson."

"Deal." He says extending his hand for her to shake. She grabs his hand and shakes it for a moment before he pulls her in closer to him in efforts to kiss her again. She turns her head places her hand between them causing Eddie to kiss the palm of her hand. He pulls back and looks at her slightly confused and hurt, he thought she had the same feelings.

"Morning breath." She simply says.

"Any how do you expect to get rid of it?"

"Well you see I can go into town without getting arrested. So I'll go and get a change of clothes and tooth brush." She responds.

"What happened to not leaving my side?" He teases again.

"Well we need some supplies and I'm going slightly crazy sitting in this shed."

"Fine but try not to be too long."

"I'll be back soon."

And just like that Chrissy was off leaving Eddie all alone. He uses this time think about a way to get out of the mess he was currently in. He definitely didn't want to get arrested, he also used the time to think about a way to express his feelings to Chrissy with coming on too strong.

Meanwhile Chrissy is rushing through town trying to get what she needs without being seen by anyone. She just needs to make it down one more street before she is at her house when she sees Jason. She quickly ducks behind a parked car and listens to what he was saying.

"I bet kidnapped her." He says.

"What if he forced her to help him murder that weird kid?" Patrick adds on.

They continue to talk but have lowered their town so she can't quite understand them.

"We should try to find her and prove she helped in the murder. That cash reward for that bitch would so be nice." She finally hears him say before seeing them moving towards her direction causing her to get scared and take off to hide behind a tree.

She is now heavily breathing hoping to not be seen by Jason or any of his dickhead friends. She waits behind the tree for what seemed like forever before she heard a car start up and take off. She peered out from behind the tree to see that they had finally left and so she took off down the street hoping and praying nobody would see her before she got to her house. For the most part she was able to stay slightly in the trees that surrounded the road ducking behind them anytime she heard a car and before she knew it she was finally at her place.

She slowly approached the front sighing a heavy sigh of relief when she realized there was no cars in the driveway which meant there was nobody home. She lifted the welcome mat revealing a shiny silver key which she picked up and placed in the doors lock opening the door and stepping inside. She quickly rushes up the stairs and throws on some fresh clothes grabbing a bag and throwing and extra tee shirt and pair of jeans into it. She then grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste along with the extra toothbrush from under her sink for Eddie.

She then realize that she was hungry as she hadn't eaten anything that day. She thinks about just leaving and not eating but then she thinks about how mad Eddie would be if he found out she was hungry and didn't eat so she heads downstairs and into the kitchen. After a moment of looking she decided to make a sandwich. She gathers all the things she needs before quickly making her sandwich putting everything back and leaving.

She does her best to make sure she isn't seen before she can get back to Eddie. At this point she is ninety nine percent sure Jason has already gone to the cops and told them his theory about how she was helping Eddie to commit murders. You'd think after three years of dating someone you'd know them well enough to know that they wouldn't hurt a fly much less murder a human but Jason was Jason after all and once he got an idea in his head he was right and nobody could tell him otherwise.

After a few minutes of walking she was finally back to shed her and Eddie had been staying in.

"FUCK." She says once she says pressing her back to the now shut door.

"Did the Chrissy Cunningham just cuss?" He teases.

"Not now Munson." She replies in a snappy tone.

A/n:I want to start off by saying thank you so much for all the positive feedback and votes on my previous chapters

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A/n:I want to start off by saying thank you so much for all the positive feedback and votes on my previous chapters. I am now at 27 votes which means so much.

I also can't thank y'all enough for 700+ reads that means so much to me. It blows my mind that so many people are reading my story and that so many people keep coming back when I post new chapters.

Please remember to vote and comment as that is a really good way to let me know you like what I'm writing and it helps me to reach more people. I do reply to comments btw and your supporting me definitely doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated it means so much more to me than y'all realize.

Im going trying to start a posting schedule where I post every Sunday as i am starting school back and I just feel as though a schedule will help me but i do kinda suck with sticking to schedules so don't hold me to that lol.

I think thats all for this week so bye love ya and see you soon with a new chapter!

Always and Forever •Eddie and ChrissyWhere stories live. Discover now