Eddie picks up Chrissy by the waist in one swift motion and carries her to a bedroom gently laying her down on her back on the bed, somehow managing to not break their very fast pace and passionate kiss. Their lips are moving in sync and their tongs are fighting for dominance in one another's mouthes. After a few more moments of their intense kiss Eddie pulls away looking down at the rest of Chrissys body. After a moment which they both use to catch their breath Chrissy leans up wrapping her arms around Eddie's neck, reconnecting their lips once more.

She had never experienced anything like this. She had made out with Jason before, but it never had this amount of passion...it never felt this right. Something about Eddie made her feel ways that she couldn't describe. She felt safe. But more importantly she felt happy with him. Nobody, not Jason nor her family, nobody had ever made Chrissy feel this happy, especially not someone she had only really know for a month. Yeah she'd technically known Eddie since the middle school talent show but she didn't know anything about him. She knew he existed but she didn't know him for who he was, she didn't know know him like she does now.

These past few days as awful as they had been had also been some of the best days of Eddie and Chrissys lives because they had been with one another. They had grown so close and gained so much trust for one another in such a small amount of time. They had fallen in love with each other without realizing.

Their make out sessions was growing more serious as they heard a car pulling up.

Pulling away Chrissy says "did you hear that?"

"Yeah I did, stay hear and I'll go check it out." Eddie responds lifting his arms from where they had been planted on either side of Chrissy.

He walks to the ground of the house and peers out the window by the door. "Shit." He whispers to himself. He quickly turns around and speed walks back to the room Chrissy was in.

"What is it? Did the cops find us?" She asks noticing his much more agitated mood.

"No, but Jason and his dick squad sure as hell did." He responds. Chrissy quickly stands up from the bed more anxious than before. Eddie grabs her hand and says "follow me." dragging her behind him.

They rush to the back door where they run to the lovers lake which was just a short walk (even shorter run) from the house. As they jump into a boat and Eddie pushes it off the shore before jumping into it he can't help but wish they were at that lake for normal teenage reasons and not because they were running from Jason and the law.

 As they jump into a boat and Eddie pushes it off the shore before jumping into it he can't help but wish they were at that lake for normal teenage reasons and not because they were running from Jason and the law

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A/N: Hay guys, so i know its been awhile since i last posted a chapter and for that i am sorry. I kinda just realized how long it had been so i decided I'd go ahead and write and put out a short chapter. This chapter is about half the length of my normal chapters sorry about that but its better than nothing I guess.

I'd love to say that im going to be back and writing/posting every week again but the reality of it is that's not the truth. Ive been really focusing on my school the past little while that I've been gone and am going to continue to do so as that is ultimately what's best for me right now. My next break is in December so maybe I'll try to do some pre writing then or maybe I'll just spend time with my family like i did on this break idk yet. Regardless i hope y'all understand and hopefully I'll get back to posting at least semi regularly soon.

Anyway i love y'all, thank you for the overwhelming amount of support I've gotten on this story it really does mean the world to me❤️❤️

And as always lmk what you thought of this chapter in the comments and please vote on it as that really helps me!

Always and Forever •Eddie and ChrissyWhere stories live. Discover now