Her legs were tucked into her shirt with her arms resting on her knees and her head resting on her arms. She lifts her head up from her knees, tears running down her face leaving a wet spot on the collar of her tee shirt.

Eddie jumps up and rushes over to Chrissy who is still facing away from him looking at wall just listening to his words. He sits on his knees on the ground next to her.

"Hay, hay, hay, what's wrong? Are you okay? I didn't mean anything by my stupid comment. I should have looked away and I know that, but I couldn't help but sneak a look at you. I'm so sorry." Eddie says in efforts to comfort Chrissy and get her to stop crying and talk to him.

He gently places his hand on her shoulder which causes her to turn her head look at him. She doesn't say a word she just looks in his eyes before leaning into his chest. He wraps his arms around her gently rubbing her arm up and down in more efforts to comfort her.

"Talk to me Chrissy, tell me what's wrong?" Eddie begs her. He then removed his chin from the top of her and slightly pulls away from the hug so he can see her face. He removes one hand from her arm and uses his hand to wipe her tears away.

"Its- it's just anytime anyone has said something to me when they seen me in my underwear it has always been negative so I automatically break down whenever anyone says anything when I'm in my underwear. That probably made no sense." She says wiping away what is left of the tears on her face.

Eddie goes to say something but Chrissy speaks before he can. "And I know that you didn't mean anything by it and what you said was meant to be a complaint but you also need to try to understand where I'm coming from." She says.

"Look, I totally get it. Childhood trauma is my specialty. I mean I was raised by my uncle who has worked his ass off to provide for me from the time I was in elementary school, my mom was never present and when my dad was there he was the world's worst dad so trust me I know at least somewhat how you feel." Eddie says before putting his arm back around her and pulling her into a tight hug. Thus time she hugs him back. They both embrace the other for a moment both of them just being present and venerable for a moment.

Chrissy pulls away for a moment just before saying, " thank you for being so understanding Eddie." She looks into his eyes seeing them slightly gloss over. Eddie did feel bad for Chrissy. Knowing how much of an amazing girl she is it hurt him to know how much she has suffered. For a split second he comes to the realization that he doesn't even know the worst things that have happened to her. But how could he, they had only known each other a short amount of time.

"No need to thank me. What else are friends for." He says blinking the tears away and looking back into her eyes. "I'll be here to listen to you and do my best to help you always and forever Chrissy." He says smiling at her.

"So is that like our thing now?" She questions him smiling back at him.

"I guess so Cunningham, unless you have an issue with that." He says pulling her back into a tight hug before releasing.

"No issue here, i think it cute and sweet." She replies.

Once the hug is officially over Eddie makes his way back over to the plastic boat he was sitting in before everything happened.

"Now change you clothes so we can go to sleep." He teases. "I promise I won't look this time." He says laying back.

"You better not." She says slipping her pants on before taking her top off and slipping into a lose band tee.

"Alright all done." She says to let Eddie know he is free to look again.

"Is that a Metallica shirt?" Eddie says instantly noticing the logo on the front of her shirt.

"I guess so, its just a random shirt my dad didn't want so i took it because it looked comfortable." She says looking down at her shirt and then back up and Eddie.

Eddie pretends to stab his heart again as though he is hurt, like he did in the woods the first time they really hung out.

"Oh my god, will you stop over reacting for once Munson?" She jokes with him.

"No because that actually ddi hurt, Metallica is one of the best rock bands known to man kind." He says.

"Wouldn't know." She simply replies.

"Well once all this is said and done I'll have to introduce you to real music." He says winking at him. "Now come lay down. He says patting the empty space next to him laying back down.

"Alright, alright." She says climbing up.

She lays her head on he chest her finger tips playing with the lower hem of his shirt. His fingers playing in her hair. "You know most the time when girl tug at my shirt we are making out and she wants me to take it off." He jokes lightly chuckling.

"Shut up, just shut up Munson." She says lightly slapping his abdomen before wrapping her arm around it and pulling herself closer to him.

"What I'm just being honest?" He says chuckling a little but harder now.

"Go to sleep." She says closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Chrissy." Be says still playing with the ends of her hair.

"Goodnight Eddie." She replies.

A/N: Hay guys, so sorry I didn't post a chapter last week, but I was sick and just didn't feel like writing

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A/N: Hay guys, so sorry I didn't post a chapter last week, but I was sick and just didn't feel like writing.

A couple of quick things i want to talk about this week, 1 after two days of the last chapter being up it hit 900 reads and then a couple days later within not even a week of the last chapter being up it hit 1k reads which is insane to me. Thank you so so so much for reading and voting and commenting. All the love and support i have gotten on this story truly does mean the world to me.

I have received and overwhelming amount of positive messages/comments on this story and they all really do mean the world to me.

I think that is all for this week so I'll see you guys next week with a new chapter! Love ya❤️

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