TW: mention of eating disorder

'I'm so worried about her.' Eddie thinks to himself as he hands Chrissy something out of the bag of snacks. How could he not worry though. The girl he was falling for had an eating disorder.

"Hay Chrissy can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She replies bitting down on a chip slowly.

"What do you think...caused your eating disorder?"

"Well," she says placing the small bag of chips down and dusting her hands. "If I'm being completely honest it wasn't just one thing. It was everyone at school expecting me to look at certain way because I'm a cheerleader. But i think mostly it was my mom. Ever since I can remember she's made remarks about my body and my weight gain slash loss. I mean she made me buy my prom dress a size too small saying it would 'encourage me to lose the weight before prom' which is complete bullshit but I fell right into it. I started starving myself and when I would eat I'd force myself to throw it up immediately after."

"Thats fucked up. You are beautiful and amazing and deserve so much better than that." He says shoving some dry cereal into his mouth and washing it down with a yoo-hoo.

"Awww, thank you Eddie. You know you are the first person I've ever told that too."

"Well I'm happy that you trust me with that, but why? You barely know me."

"Well for one you seem really trust worthy and for two might as well tell you now before anything gets serious. Whither that be with this Vecna creep or with us." She says blushing and looking away from him.

'With us?' He thinks. 'Does she feel the same way?' He gets excited at the thought that she might actually feel the same about him. But quickly snaps back to reality when he notices she has still not picked the bag of chips up and continued eating.

"Are you not going to eat anymore? I thought we just talked about you eating more." He somewhat jokingly says trying not to sound too bossy.

"I don't really like that flavor." She says with a small chuckle.

"Then get your ass over here and pick out what you want to eat Cunningham."

"Maybe I will Munson."

She makes her way over to Eddie and picks out a small six pack of Oreos.

"These were always my favorite when i was little." She says with a smile. The smile quickly fades when a not so great memory floods into her mind.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Eddie asks noticing her sudden mood change.

"Yeah, its mom would always blame these for any sort of weight gain I'd have. Because she knew how much I loved them, and so they became one food I just stopped eating all together."

"Well then they can be the start of this journey to get you better." Eddie says with a small smile.

"I guess so."

She looks at the package of cookies for a moment before Eddie takes them from her hands and opens them before handing her one.

"These will be a good place to start. There is more to over come than just not wanting to eat with them, there sadly is trauma attached to these cookies." He says.

She takes the cookie from his hand and pauses for a second realizing that not only is Eddie the first person shes told this too but he also care about her more than any of her 'friends' ever had. "Thanks." She says before twisting the two cookies apart and shoving the side with less cream in her mouth.

In an attempt to make a good memory attached to Oreos for her Eddie jokes by saying "why do eat them like a weirdo?" With a small chuckle as he nudged her side a little in a joking manner.

"What do you mean?" She questions with a weak smile as she puts the other half in her mouth.

"I mean you are supposed to pop the whole thing in your mouth or bite it in half not eat it cookie by cookie."

"Just try it, who knows maybe you'll realize that this is in fact the right way to eat them."

He takes one out of the package and tears it apart. "Ugh you are supposed to twist it so that most of the cream stays on one side."

"Oh well, and look most of it is on this side anyway." He says putting half the cookie in he face.

"Whatever. Now eat the half with less on it."

"Fine." "Bossy." He says under his breath.

"I heard that." She teases as she grabs another cookie and twists it apart.

"You know what this actually isn't bad, you taste the cream more this way." Eddie says.

"I KNOW!" Chrissy replies.

They finished their food and open a deck of cards to play a game.

"How about ww keep it simple and play a good ol' fashioned game of go fish?" Eddie asks.

"That sounds good." She replies taking a small swig of water.

"Loser kisses winner?" He jokes.

"Really there are only two of us." She replies rolling her eyes jokingly.

"Fine, no kiss for you." He says shuffling the cards.


The play a few rounds before the sun started to set. Eddie got up and tried to turn the light on before realizing that the bulb had blown.

"Well shit." He says.

"Maybe that kid left a flashlight earlier." Chrissy says getting up to look before the sun went completely down. Sadly they had no luck so Eddie decided to try to reach Dustin through the walkie talkie.

"Hay, Henderson."


"We need a flashlight or two man."

"Alright well you have to wait because we are kinda busy right now."

"Well how long till you'll get here?"

"I don't know but it probably won't be tonight."
Dustin responses.

They stay up talking for a few hours before climbing back in the canoe to sleep for the night but this time instead of laying with his head at her feet he laid to where they were facing the same way.

AN: hay guys, sorry for no chapter last week i just had a lot going on

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AN: hay guys, sorry for no chapter last week i just had a lot going on.

Thank you all so so so much for 500+ reads that is insane to me but what is even more crazy is how it went from just over 300 to just over 400 in less than two days when I posted my last chapter. Thank you all so much for the reads!

And a special thank you to the people who have been voting and commenting and adding my story to their reading lists. It really does mean so much more than y'all realize. From the bottom of my heart thank you guys for all the sweet comments and support of this story!

If you have any questions or feedback feel free to comment or dm me with it and I'll respond once i see it! And remember your votes and comments do help me a lot and they don't go unnoticed or unappreciated. Anyway love ya and thanks for reading!🫶🏻🌹

Always and Forever •Eddie and ChrissyWhere stories live. Discover now