Another day being awoken by the rising sun shining in there eyes. However, this time Eddie is awake before Chrissy. After about thirty minutes of him waiting on her to wake up playing with the end of her her much like he gad the night before she wakes up.

"Good morning sunshine." He says shooting her a huge smile as she sits up.

"What is it with you are all these nicknames? Also you're right people do make good pillows." She says lightly laughing.

"What do you not like them?" He responds.

"Its not that, I just didn't see you as a nickname giving kind of guy."

"Why? Because of my tough exterior?" He teases.

"Yeah kinda." She responds her laughing growing stronger.

"Well I haven't always been like that, I developed this though I don't give a fuck attitude and look in about seventh grade. The bullying had gotten to a point where I couldn't really take it anymore. The constant remarks about my parents and why I was with my uncle.  So on and so forth."

Chrissy's laughter quickly came to a halt. He eyes which were once closed as she laughed quietly opened as she looked into Eddies eyes seeing the pain behind them.

"Oh, oh my god Eddie I'm so sorry." She says as she reaches her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly. He is taken back for a second before he wraps his arms around her torso.

"I mean it was years ago and I've gotten over it. I just kinda like that nobody bothered me so the whole 'freak' thing began to not bother me either once I realized that it meant the people who were hanging out with me actually liked me and they weren't doing it because they felt bad for me." He explains to her.

"Well at least you were able to a silver lining if you will." She says.

They both squeeze each other a little bit tighter for a few seconds before pulling away.

Eddie hops down and makes his way over to the now empty bags that once contained their food stash.

"Shit, well it looks like we are officially out of food sweetheart." He says turning around to look at Chrissy.

"Try to get ahold of Dustin or Steve or someone on the walkie talkie." She replies standing up and making her way over to her bag of clothes.

"Good idea Cunningham." He says smiling at her.

"I know, I'm full of them." She replies smirking at him.

He rushes over to her wrapping his arms around her upper body and her arms so she couldn't fight back as easily.

"So your teasing me now huh?" He questions diving his head into the crook of her neck kissing it.

She takes a deep breath shocked by his sudden movement. Normally sudden movement like his would spook her and make her shut down, but with Eddie it was different. She felt safer with him than she did with her own parents. She didn't know what it was about him, maybe it was the shared childhood trauma or is protectiveness or so many other things, but she felt more safe with him than she did with anyone else in her life. Which is kind of funny because they were never supposed to have hung out after that day in the woods when she went to buy drugs off him. Now, well now she can't imagine her life without him in it.

She is the kind of person to think about and stress the future, and recently every time she thought about her future she seen Eddie in it in one way or another. In many versions of her future she seen Eddie and her boyfriend or even her husband. She was falling for him and was loving every minute of the fall. Every kind gesture made her fall harder and faster and she wasn't even a little bit mad about it or scared of it. Loving him came so easy to her.

He loosens his grip on her just enough for her to he able to turn around and stare into his big brown beautiful eyes. "Yeah I am, and what are you gonna do about it?" She says smiling bigger than she had smiled before. The smile was wiped off her face when Eddies lips crashed into her. A few intense kisses later and they are interrupted by a slight static sound coming from the walkie talkie.

"Henderson is that you?" He says into it. He waits a few seconds before asking again. "Henderson are you there?" Once again no response. At this point he is getting aggravated and starts yelling into it. "LOOK HERE UOU LITTLE SHIT," he starts before being cut off my Nancy on the other end of the walkie talkie.

"Jesus Eddie what do you want?" She says in a somewhat aggravated tone.

"We are completely out of food Wheeler, so if y'all could bring us some that would be amazing." He says.

"Yeah, yeah we'll bring some later today just calm down till then." She replies.

"If you could also bring us some water or something to drink because we are completely out of that as well." Chrissy chimes in.

"Or beer, beer would work too." Eddies last addition made Nancy roll her eyes in annoyance.

"We don't need beer Eddie." Chrissy says.

"I was just thinking it would be a good way to take some of the edge off at least for a little bit." Eddie says throwing his hands up. Which causes Chrissy to roll her eyes at him.

"How long do you think it'll take them to get here with the food?" Eddie asks.

"I don't know probably a few hours."

They sit in silence for a few moments before Eddie remembers where Rick told him the spare key was.

"Follow me." He says getting up and leaving the shed heading towards the house.

He walks up to a chair on the front pouch and unzips the cushion pulling a key out. "Bingo." He says holding it up before putting it in the door and unlocking it.

He steps aside and gestures with his arms for Chrissy to go in first.

"Are you sure this is okay Eddie?" She asks.

"Yeah, he told he I was welcome here anytime even if he was in jail."

She steps in and looks around. Eddie steps in after her closing the door behind him. He makes his way to the kitchen with Chrissy following behind him. He opens a cabinet pulling out a can of Spaghetti O's with meatballs saying "yeah this'll do." Before pulling a pan out and hearing them up. He then grabs two spoons out of the drawer and making his way to the table. He sits the pot down and pulls out a chair for Chrissy. She sit down and eat not saying a word.

Once they are both finished eating Eddie places his hand of Chrissy lower thigh before leaning in a placing more kisses on her lips and neck.

The table being slightly in the way causes them to stand up so they didn't have to strain across the edge of it anymore. The small kisses slowly grow more passionate. Eddie grabs her waist and pulls her in closer. Chrissy wraps her arms around his neck.

A/n: hay guys, sorry for not posting yesterday, if I'm being completely honest I forgot yesterday was Sunday because its labor day weekend aka a long weekend and it threw me off lol

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A/n: hay guys, sorry for not posting yesterday, if I'm being completely honest I forgot yesterday was Sunday because its labor day weekend aka a long weekend and it threw me off lol.

I know i say this every week but I truly am blown away by all the love and support I've received on this story, thank you guys so much.

Also i hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter as much as j enjoyed writing it lmao. If you enjoyed it leave a comment letting me know!

I think that is all i have to say this week so bye and I'll see you Sunday with a new chapter! Love ya byeeeee🫶🏻❤️🖤

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