From across the street Max Mayfield Eddies fifteen year old neighbor sees the flashing lights through the living room window as she was watching TV. She peers out to See Eddie and Chrissy making a run for it. She finds it quiet odd that the oh so popular Chrissy Cunningham was with the school freak at his house. But she figures it is none of her business what they were doing together and turns back to her show. She however cannot focus on the show as she keeps thinking about how weird it was to see them together.

Hand in hand Eddie and Chrissy run until they reach safety.

"Where are we and why did the cops show up at your house Eddie?" Chrissy asks still slightly out of breath from running.

"So you see, when you are the guy at school who everyone knows for having drugs when you make people mad they tend to tell the cops. And of course with me not being popular or perfect whatever the fuck being perfect is the cops tend to believe the more 'credible' people"

"Okay so basically you are wanted for drug possession?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Are you gonna tell me where we are now?"

"Well this is my dealers house."

"And he doesn't mind us being here?"

"Nah, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Plus he's in jail right now so he'll never know."

"How long do we have to hide out here?"

"Well you don't have to stay. You aren't the one who's wanted. You can leave anytime you'd like."

"Mmm no. Im staying here with you Munson."

Her words make him blush ever so slightly as nobody has ever cared enough to stay with him or even wanted to stay with him for that matter. His heart flutters a little which is an unfamiliar feeling for him. He didn't know what he was feeling and couldn't decide if he liked it or not. Was Eddie the freak Munson falling for the queen of Hawkins High Chrissy Cunningham?

"Fine do what you want but it's going to get boring here."

"I think we'll be okay as long as we are together. We can keep each other company."

"If you say so, but if you ever feel like you want to leave go for it." After a few minutes of silence he finally speaks again. "So what is making you want to stay with me?"

"If I'm being completely honest, I really don't know. Something inside me is telling me to stay with you though."

"Interesting, but we should probably hide just incase someone comes looking for us. Ummm, these two canoes should work." He says as he points to two canoes in the middle of the room, both of which had tarps draped over them. He laces his fingers together and places them at a hight to where she can use them as help to climb into the rather large canoe.

As he is about to climb into the other one Chrissy says "Hay Eddie, I'm kinda scared right now and I'm just not comfortable laying here alone. There is plenty of extra space in here do you you could come lay over here for a little bit?"

He pauses for a second before replying "Well won't your boyfriend be mad if he finds out we shared a canoe?"

"He broke up with me after the name tonight. He said that he just couldn't deal with a relationship right now."

"Wow what a bullshit ass reason." He says making his way over to her.

"I know right especially considering how long we'd been together ."

Chrissy feels a slight tilt to the plastic boat before feeling Eddie lay down next her. Except he laid opposed to her. Like they were at some weird boy girl sleep over in middle school where the parents make the kids sleep with feet in each others faces. She finds this to be a bit odd but she is just thankful that he is there by her side. They are both able to slowly drift to sleep. Neither one of them slept good but it was rest none the less. Chrissy wakes up, sitting up slowing she forgets where she had stayed the night for a moment but remembers after seeing Eddie sit up as well. She then realizes the lower part of her back hurts from sleeping in such a small place and begins to rub it.

"You okay?" Eddie asks her

"Yeah, just a little bit of pain in my lower back from sleeping in this thing thats all."

"Okay hop out for a second and I'll rub your back."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, come on."

She climbs out and onto the ground. She turns her back towards Eddie and he begins to rub in circular motions.

"Is this helping?"

"Mmm hmmm." She can feel the pain slowly going away as he digs his thumbs in a little bit harder rubbing the knots in her back.

"EDDIE!" She says slightly freaking out.

"What?" He says surprisingly calmly.

"PEOPLE EDDIE PEOPLE!" She whisper shouts.

"Shit, shit, shit get back in there." He says picking her up by the waist and putting her in before climbing in himself.

The door to the back shed shack thing where they had been staying slowly creaked open revealing that it was Dustin, Max, Steve, Nancy, and Robin who had come looking for Eddie. However him and Chrissy still had no clue it was them as their heads were covered with the same blue tarp as before.

"Poke it." Dustin whispers to Steve.

"I don't wanna poke it, you poke it." Steve says back.

Just as he goes to poke it Eddie pops up causing everyone to scream including himself.

"Dude what the fuck." Dustin says.

"Well I'm sure you know why I'm here but why are y'all here?" Eddie asks.

"We were looking for you." Nancy says gesturing towards him.

"Hay its okay i know these people." Eddie says to Chrissy letting her know its okay to come out.

This shocks everyone even more.

Always and Forever •Eddie and ChrissyWhere stories live. Discover now