As the boat carries them across the lake they feel their heart rates increasing and quickly. They make it about half way across the lake before they hear a loud splash and turn back to try to see what it is. It was Jason and Patrick. They had jumped into the lake and were swimming after Eddie and Chrissy.

"What are they doing?" Chrissy frantically asked.

"I don't know." Eddie replied pushing Chrissy towards the front half of the boat where she was further away from them.

Jason and Patrick are just a few feet off shore when things go horribly wrong. Three ticks are heard just before Patrick is lifted into the air. He was mutilated, every bone in his body was broken. Both his legs, arms even his jaw. And then just like that, just as suddenly as he had been lifted into the air he was dropped back into the water. They all stayed in place for a moment trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"YOU TWO!" Jason shouted out turning to look at them "I DON'T KNOW HOW YET BUT I KNOW THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He then began to aggressively and angrily swim towards them. Eddie quickly jumps up and frantically tries to start the boat engine. Just before Jason got to the boat it started and they were off. Once they made it to shore they quickly looked for a hiding spot.

"Over there." Chrissy says pointing towards skull rock, the spot know by the local teens for making out.

"Good idea." Eddie replies as the run toward the large rock. "There is a construction site near by, I will go in the morning and see if i can find a walkie talkie that isn't busted."

They desperately try to get some sleep but due to fear they are unable to so instead they just sit next to one another not saying a word, and before they knew it the sun was rising. "I think I'm going to go check that construct site now, are you going to be okay till I get back?" Eddie asks is a sort of worried tone.

"Yeah, I this so." Chrissy replies as she place her hand on the back of her neck. Eddie gives her a quick peck on the cheek before he stands up, as he begins to walk off he turns back to face Chrissy and says "I'll be back as soon as I can. If you hear anything, or anything happens run. I will find you no matter how long I have to look, just make sure you are safe okay.?"

"Okay." She replies smiling at him. And with that Eddie walks off, worried that something might happen to Chrissy while he is gone. The whole walk he is think about her and before he knew it he was there, he snuck onto the site and managed to find a walkie talkie. He calls out to Dustin and tells him everything before he puts the walkie talkie back. He then finds himself walking at such a quick pace that he is almost running through the woods to get back to Chrissy, hoping that she will still be there when he gets back, knowing that if anything were to happen to her, and he wasn't there he would never be able to forgive himself.

He arrives back to where he left her, after a moment of panic when it didn't see her right away, he frantically begins to look for her. Only to realize that she was on the opposite side from him.

"Jeez Chrissy you gave me a fucking heart attack when I didn't see you right away." He says wrapping his arms around her and embracing her in a comforting hug as he rests his chin on the top of her head and rubs her back slightly.

"Sorry, I just needed to stretch my legs. They are killing me from sitting criss cross for so long." She replies hugging him back.

"I'm just happy you are okay."

He releases her into a side hug when they hear someone clear their throat behind them.

"Henderson!" He enthusiastically says fully releasing Chrissy and walking over towards Dustin and the others.

"Henderson!" He enthusiastically says fully releasing Chrissy and walking over towards Dustin and the others

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Hi everyone!

So i know its been like forever since i last updated this story...sorry about that. The past few months of my life have been so insane and busy.

Once again i am sorry its been so long, thank you to those who have stuck around and are reading this, it really does mean alot to me.

I probably still won't be consistent with updates as i just recently started school back so that's going to take up a majority of my time. But I'll try to be more consistent.

As always I appreciate y'all's feedback and enjoy talking to and interacting with y'all so feel free to comment or dm me and i will reply once i see it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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