Chapter 3: Race P.O.V. The Truth

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Race saw a figure and started talking to it, just to find out that he was talking to the one and only Spot Conlon. The boy he was in love with, the boy that would be the death of him. In order to get his hat back he had to talk to Spot. They sat there on the Brooklyn Bridge talking about the most randomness things. 

"Bye Racer, Stay safe!" Spot yelled as Race was walking towards Manhattan, he just called me Racer, nobody besides Jack, Albert, Mush, and Blink has ever called me Racer. Then his mind drifted somewhere else, he remembered about his hat, that both had totally forgot about it. Race decided to leave it and get it back tomorrow. 

Race snuck up the fire escape and went threw the window. From what it looked like everyone was asleep, but there was one person awake, he has been awake since Race left, he didn't want to go after Race though. He was staring at Race while he got into bed. He was Race's best friend. Albert Dasilva. 

Morning came and soon enough they all where at the circulation center. After they got their papers they all went their separate ways. Race was on his way to Sheepshead Races. He saw Spot on his thrown and said "So do I'se gets me hat back?" Spot responded with "Come back tonight and we'll see bout that." Spot had a huge smirk on his face. Race just rolled his eyes and went along with his day. 

As Race walked into the lodging house Albert pulled him into the spare room so know one could here what they where talking about. "Where'd you go last night Race?" Race's mind went totally blank. He was terrified now. " I uh, I was, I ," Race kept stuttering and then started crying. Albert wrapped his arms around Race and then picked him up bridal style and sat them both down on the bed. Rocking Race slowly in his arms, and kept saying "shh shh it's ok shsh." Race couldn't stop crying at this point. He felt broken, He is hurt, he is different, he feels like he needs Spot.

"Do you mind telling me where you snuck out to last night Racer?" "I c..c..c..can't Al..Al..Albie." Race said shaking, he was so scared what Albert would say if he told him. "Race I need you to tell my the truth."...........

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