Chapter 13: Ace P.O.V. Your my brother

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Smokes picked Ace up bridal style swimming to the docks. Ace felt like he couldn't stop looking. He knew Spot was still out there. Just as they where almost to the docks Ace jumped out of Smokes arms while bawling his eyes out. He saw something, he saw Spot's newsie cap. He swam over there as fast as he could, hoping that Spot was right under it and alive.

He got the cap, he went under feeling for anything. Smokes swam over to Ace, and lifted him up from under water,"Ace, we have to except it, he's gone." Smokes said while trying to fight away tears that had already fallen. "You don't understand Smokes!" Ace showed Smokes the cap. "It's his cap, which means there's a chance that he still alive!" Immediately after Ace said this he went back under water, searching for someone everyone had already given up on.

 Ace was losing hope as he wasn't finding anything. Ace suddenly felt something like a key hit his hand. Ace soon remembered. Spot always has a key around his neck! He tried to find the key again. He finally found it! Once he did, he pulled where the key was hooked. Spot. Ace found Spot! Ace started to pull Spot up. They reached above the water. Smokes eyes widened. The boys on the dock couldn't see that Ace had found Spot.

"I found him! I found Spot!" Ace said threw tears. All the boys jump in to help bring Spot to shore. They got him onto the docks. Hotshot felt his pulse. "He's still breathing but barely, we need to get him into the lodge." Ace being Spot's second took charge. "Dice go get cloth, Hotshot and smokes you help me get him inside, Waves go straight to Spot's room and set up his bed, and Red go into the lodge and if any of the newsies wake up, explain that everything's fine."

Everyone knew to listen to Ace when he was this pressured and stern. He, Smokes, and Hotshot helped carry Spot inside. They got up the stairs into Spot's room. Cloth was there with medical stuff, and Waves was there setting up the bed. They laid Spot down gently on the bed that Waves had set up.

Cloth had done everything he could for Spot, now it was up to God, and what Spot's path was.

Ace was sitting right next to Spot, praying that he would wake up. Hotshot and Smokes tried to get him to take a break, but he refused. He wouldn't leave his brother alone. Ace started crying, he was so scared for Spot's life. He also didn't know what to think. His thoughts were everywhere. Why would he do this? Please God spare his life. What was so wrong that he tried to kill himself? Was there something I could've done to have spared this from not happening. Please, please, wake up Spot. I need you with me. Your my leader, my best friend, my brother, I can't lose you. I've already lost so many people, don't let me lose you to.

Ace laid down beside Spot. He had cried so much that night he thought his eyes would run outta water, but they haven't yet. "Please don't leave me Spot, I need you, I can't even imagine to think of my life without you in it." "Please wake up." Ace whispered in Spot's ear. Ace began to think of a song that him and Spot would always sing to each other when the other was hurting or sick. So he began to sing

When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world
We smoked cigarettes, man, no regrets
Wish I could relive every single word We've taken different paths
And traveled different roads
I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old
And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink
Beneath the skin of our tattoos
Though we don't share the same blood
You're my brother and I love you that's the truth We're living different lives
Heaven only knows
If we'll make it back with all our fingers and our toes
Five years, twenty years, come back
It will always be the same if I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er And if we hit on troubled water
I'll be the one to keep you warm and safe
And we'll be carrying each other
Until we say goodbye on our dying day Because I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

As Ace finished the song, he felt Spot moving a little bit. He was very hopeful, come on Spot you got this. I know you can do this. Suddenly Ace heard

"Though we don't share the same blood
You're my brother and I love you that's the truth We're living different lives
Heaven only knows
If we'll make it back with all our fingers and our toes
Five years, twenty years, come back
It will always be the same

I've got you brother"

It was Spot! He had woken up! Spot then started coughing up water that had some blood in it. "Smokes, Hotshot, Cloth, Red, Waves, Dice, get up here!!!" Ace had yelled so much that night his voice started to hurt.

Spot kept coughing up water and blood. He was also crying at this point. "Hey, hey, Spot it's okay." Ace said this while rubbing Spot's back. All the boys cam rushing up to his room. "Spot! Your awake!" Dice said like he was the happiest person on Earth. Cloth ran into the bathroom to get a bucket for Spot. Waves went downstairs to get Spot new clean sheets.

Spot still hadn't stopped throwing up. "I'se don't know if this is a good or bad sign fella's, I'se don't dink dat he's possed to be throwin up dis much." Cloth said concerned. Hotshot sighed and said "I'se don't dink dat he is eitha, I'se just don't wanna dink bout da fact that we may be losin him." Ace refused to hear what they were saying. He went and sat down beside Spot.

                                                                   [ Time Skip an hour]

Spot had finally stopped throwing up. Ace was laying beside him. Spot was asleep kind of clinging to Ace. His breathing was slow, but Ace's thinking is at least he's breathing. Ace was wide awake praying that Spot would be healed. He knew that Cloth and Hotshot were right, he's not a doctor but he does know that if a person is coughing up blood its not good.

"Please stop worrying bout me Ace." Spot said his voice sounding scratchy. Ace hadn't realized that Spot had woken up. How he knew that Ace was worrying about him, he'll never know. "Spot, your my brother, I'se always gonna worry bout you'se." Spot started crying again and kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." "Hey Spot, no, no, it's okay, your here with us now, and that's all that matters." Ace pulled Spot into and Spot actually gave in and hugged Ace tightly. They both soon fell asleep. There was one thing for sure between these two

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe

They're brothers, and they've got each other.

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