Chapter 20:Jack P.O.V. Running around In Circles

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Jack started walking over to Race, but he immediately went right back threw the window. Jack was about to go after Race but Albert stopped him. "What da hell dasilvia?! Lemme go!" Jack yelled at him. "Sorry Cowboy, but I'se dink it would be betta if someone else went up dere." Jack looked angrily at Albert but eventually gave in.  

Mush and Blink went out the window and up the fire escape. Skittery also came over to talk to Jack. Albert took Jack to the spare bedroom and sat him down on the bed. Jack looked and felt defeated. "I'se don't undastand. Why won't he just talk ta me? Am I'se doin somethin wrong?" Jack asked trying to figure out how to make it better. "Jack, he doesn't talk to you'se because he's afraid of what you'se will say. He's scared." As Albert said this, Jack got more confused. 'What do you'se mean by dat Al?" "Dat's somethin you'se gonna have ta ask Race yaself Cowboy." Skittery said finally speaking up. 

Albert left the room and it was just Skittery and Jack left in the spare room. Skittery sat down next to Jack. "I'se know you'se worried about him, we'se all are. I'se mean just da otha day I'se saw Race crying in da bathroom." Skittery said trying to make Jack feel better. "What?! Why was he crying?! Why didn't you come and get me?!!!" Jack yelled at Skittery. "Jack you'se need ta calm down. An I'se didn't come ta get ya cause you'se wan't ere, you'se was wit Davey." Skittery stated as calmly as he could. "Oh." Was the only thing that escaped Jack's mouth.

The boys climbed in. Race avoided Jack. I don't blame him. I yelled at him, or I was about to. I'll just give him some time. I won't try to push anything. Jack thought as he drifted off to sleep.

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