Chapter 18:Third Person P.O.V. Kissing, Lying, Truth's, Brothers, And Blood pt 2

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"Spot, do you'se mind telling us what happened in da bathroom?" Smokes asked as calmly as he could. Spot just looked down as tears started to pool the edges of his eyes again. The seven boys looked at each other. They frankly didn't know what to do, they had never seen their leader, their brother like this before. He was more broken than anybody knew. 

Ace then picked up Spots hands and started rubbing little circles on them. "Spot, we'se need ya ta tell us what happened, so we'se can help." Ace said while still rubbing circles on Spot's hand's. Spot yanked his hands away from Ace's. Spot stood up and walked out the window up the fire escape and onto the roof again. "Why won't he just open up for damn's sake!" Hotshot yelled. "Shot yelling isn't gonna solve anything." Cloth stated. Red then said "If we'se go up on da roof, he ain't got nowhere ta run." So the seven boys made there way up the fire escape once again. They stopped when they heard a voice. It was Spot, he was talking to himself.

"Your useless." "All you do is cause problems." "Ace should have never found me." "Race will never love me." "I'm the only queer in the damn lodging house that can't get a boyfriend." "Maybe jumping off here will be beta than trying ta drown me self." Spot stood up, looked at the Brooklyn Bridge towards Manhattan and said "I'm so sorry Racer." Spot looked down again, about to jump. The seven boys run towards Spot before he could jump. 

Spot pulled away from them "What da hell?!" Spot yelled at them. "That's it!" "I don't give a shit if they say yelling won't do any good, what the fuck were you'se thinkin?!!" "Why did you'se do dat down there?!" "Why did you'se just try ta jump AGAIN?!!!" Hotshot screamed at Spot, and he was now crying because he couldn't imagine his brother trying to kill himself again. Dice put his hand on Hotshot's back and started softly rubbing it, hoping that it will calm him down. "As much as I'se don't like da yelling, Hotshot's right Spot." " What were you thinking?" Red asked Spot. "I'se don't have to tell any of you'se anything." That broke all seven boys hearts. "You'se don't know da real me, you'se don't know what I'se been drew, and you'se DEFINITELY don't know who I've hurt." Spot said furiously. "We'se  just want ta know what's goin Spot!" Ace was finally yelling. "You'se know what's goin on?!" "I'se in love wit a boy I CAN'T have!" "I'se terrified, I'se a terrible person, I'se stupid, I'se screw up everythin I'se do, I'se da only queer in dis damn lodging house dat can't get a boyfriend!" This made all seven boys feel really bad. "And I'se a murder for hell's sake!!" Don't you'se see, I'se have demons inside a me dat I can't get rid of!!" "I deserve ta DIE!!!!" Spot yelled chocking on the last sentence. 

The boys didn't know what to say. "What do ya mean you'se a murder Spot?" Smokes asked. Tears started rolling down Spot's cheeks when Smokes said that. "I'se mean I killed me sista!" "It means dat I pulled a gun an shot her right in da chest!" "It means dat I'se a murder Smokes!!!" Spot finally completely broke. He fell on his knees and started to cry into his hands, hiding his face from the cold cruel world. 

They all were shocked about what was just said. Ace walked over to Spot, leaned down to him, and gave him a hug. Spot excepted the hug and started crying into Ace's shoulder. The six boys standing went to were Spot and Ace were and joined the hug. Spot didn't usually allow group hugs but this time was and exception. 

"Guys, dis might sound crazy, but can I'se go to da Brookyln Bridge?" Spot asked. "Don't worry, I'se won't try ta jump, you'se all can comes if ya want ta, or feel like ya need ta." Spot added. "Ya know what, I'se like dat idea, let's head down dere.

The eight boys walked onto the Bridge, the went and sat down on the edge. Normally people wouldn't trust a person who just previously jumped off a Bridge to be sitting at the edge of a Bridge, but they trusted Spot. They trust that he won't try to jump.  

They way they where sitting was Waves was on the far right, Dice was next to him, then Red, then Hotshot, Spot, and then Ace but his legs were partially on Smokes, right next to him was Smokes, and then on the far left Cloth. 

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